Boris Egorov and Artem Gurshteyn, in pursuit of a high-speed passage of the "7 Volcanoes" program, went to the slopes of Kilimanjaro
27 November 2024, 21:05.
Kilimanjaro, all programs »
Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:
Meanwhile, Artem and I, having covered half the world in four planes, burst onto the slopes of Kilimanjaro. Only yesterday we flew to Tanzania from Papua New Guinea, and today we have already reached the Horombo camp. That is, we have gained almost two kilometers vertically in 6.5 hours. Along the way, we took breaks to take pictures of blue monkeys and some animals like tree gophers.
The mood is cheerful, tomorrow we are going to the assault camp.