Providing expeditions
since 2005

Team Iskorka made an introductory acclimatization hike as part of the Mountainering School classes

Good afternoon! Today Team Iskorka together with guides Viktor Volodin and Alexey Lonchinsky made a very fruitful acclimatization hike. The start took place in the dark and we returned to the base also in the dark. We managed to perfectly ... read more

Good afternoon! Today Team Iskorka together with guides Viktor Volodin and Alexey Lonchinsky made a very fruitful acclimatization hike. The start took place in the dark and we returned to the base also in the dark. We managed to perfectly inspect the area and all approaches to the routes we were interested in! Tomorrow is a day of rest and preparation for the summit climb!



























The training program of the 7 Summits Club "Iskorka" group has begun in the Tien Shan mountains

Greetings from Kazakhstan! The 7 Summits Club "Iskorka" group arrived at Chimbulak yesterday and settled into comfortable rooms. Today we made an acclimatization hike to the Tuyuk-su alpine camp. There we got the necessary equipment, and ... read more

Greetings from Kazakhstan! The 7 Summits Club "Iskorka" group arrived at Chimbulak yesterday and settled into comfortable rooms. Today we made an acclimatization hike to the Tuyuk-su alpine camp. There we got the necessary equipment, and then held classes on the rocks. We remembered how to ascend and descend on a fixed rope! The weather was great, but the snow that fell the day before had to be trampled...

Guides-instructors Viktor Volodin and Alexey Lonchinsky.






News of the Mountaineering school in Tuyuk-Su in Kazakhstan.  The program of the group "Fossil hibinoids" is completed

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Ratmir Mukhametzyanov reports from Kazakhstan: We have run out of training camps in Tuyuk-Su, the members of the NP-2 group have completed their program! We made 4 ascents from 1B to 3A of the difficulty ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Ratmir Mukhametzyanov reports from Kazakhstan:

 We have run out of training camps in Tuyuk-Su, the members of the NP-2 group have completed their program!  We made 4 ascents from 1B to 3A of the difficulty category. The participants of the gathering studied and practiced, walked and climbed, jumared and dulfered. There were a lot of lectures, practical classes, evening gatherings, after climbing, they did an analysis of mistakes.

The cherry on the cake was climbing the route 3A of the difficulty category with an instructor as a leader, so that students could observe the work of a professional on the wall from the side. Although before that they climbed, collected stations, oriented themselves and interacted with each other independently.  We have learned a lot, but there is still a long way to improve.

I was very happy to work with such motivated students!











Summit! News of the mountaineering school in Tuyuk-Su, from the group "Fossil hibinoids". The group made a training ascent on the peak of Octebrenok

Our team is trying to grasp the last days of the training camp and absorb the maximum amount of experience from the instructors. Today, the NP-2 group went to the peak of Octebrenok on route 3A. The key sections were led by the coach, the ... read more

Our team is trying to grasp the last days of the training camp and absorb the maximum amount of experience from the instructors. Today, the NP-2 group went to the peak of Octebrenok on route 3A. The key sections were led by the coach, the guide of the group Ratmir Mukhametzyanov, and the students absorbed the experience and watched carefully. Such a scheme of training ascents allows junior dischargers to clearly see how professionals work.






Mountaineering school in Tuyuk-Su in Kazakhstan. The group of the 7 Summits Club "The Devil's Dozen" continued training sessions on the rocky terrain, now the topic was the organization of belay

The group "The Devil's Dozen" today successfully conducted classes on belay points and stations on the rocky terrain. We learned how to use friends, got acquainted with nuts, and tried to place pitons. There is no destruction - all the ... read more

The group "The Devil's Dozen" today successfully conducted classes on belay points and stations on the rocky terrain. We learned how to use friends, got acquainted with nuts, and tried to place pitons. There is no destruction - all the rocks remained intact. After lunch, we held lectures and debriefings. Tomorrow, according to the plan, climbing and working out what has already been studied. Guides Nikita Slotin and Alexey Lonchinsky.



















SUMMIT! The team of the Mountainering School of the 7 Summits Club has successfully climbed Amandeldy Peak in the mountains of Kazakhstan. Training Camp  in the Tuyuk-Su area continues

News of the mountaineering school in Tuyuk-Su. Congratulations to the team "Fossil Hibinoids" on the first ascent of Amangeldy Peak on route 1B! Today we went to Amangeldy Peak (3999m) on route 1B, from the West. We got up at 5 in the ... read more

News of the mountaineering  school in Tuyuk-Su. Congratulations to the team "Fossil Hibinoids" on the first ascent of Amangeldy Peak on route 1B!

Today we went to Amangeldy Peak (3999m) on route 1B, from the West. We got up at 5 in the morning, went out at 6. We were at the top about 13 o'clock.  The ascent went according to plan. There were mistakes, but this is training, otherwise there is no way. It's even good when mistakes are made under the supervision of instructors who will help fix everything.

After returning to the camp, we conducted an analysis of the ascent and went to the sauna. Tomorrow is a rest day and some rockclimbing lessons.

Guides: Alexey Lonchinsky and Ratmir Mukhametzyanov.












The mountaineering school in Tuyuk-Su began its work with an easy acclimatization walk

Hello, dear mountain lovers! Greetings from Kazakhstan! The first group arrived in the camp! Ratmir and Alexey are very glad to see their students of the Khibiny collection again!!! The flight to Kazakhstan from Moscow took 4 hours and 30 ... read more

Hello, dear mountain lovers! Greetings from Kazakhstan! The first group arrived in the camp!

Ratmir and Alexey are very glad to see their students of the Khibiny collection again!!!  The flight to Kazakhstan from Moscow took 4 hours and 30 minutes of pure time. The main part of the group took off at 20:50 and at 6 o'clock, having passed customs, left the airport for Almaty. The time difference is 3 hours, so there is a jetlag. One hour of travel and we settle in the camp.

We rested before lunch, then had a snack in an excellent dining room and went for a walk to the weather station Mynzhilki 3100m.  The weather was cloudy, there was rain in places. But the main task, the beginning of adaptation to the highlands, has begun.

After dinner, according to the covenant and the instructions of the sister-mistress Didasha, the members  took readings of pulse, pressure and oxygenation. Everything is fine, we are working according to plan.

The guides: Alexey Lonchinsky and Ratmir Mukhametzyanov.










The Super Sherpa Team has completed the training program of the Instructor School and received official documents

Kristina Putintseva, guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Bezengi: Namaste from Super Sherpa team! Today, a solemn presentation of certificates and documents on the successful completion of courses for our Nepalese friends ... read more

Kristina Putintseva, guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Bezengi:

Namaste from Super Sherpa team! Today, a solemn presentation of certificates and documents on the successful completion of courses for our Nepalese friends took place. Now there are real Sherpas in the ranks of Russian climbers!  The whole camp saw them off on a long journey, hugged, said parting words…

We hope that international cooperation will grow stronger!




School of instructors.  The Sherpa Team took part in competitions in rescue techniques

Kristina Putintseva, guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Bezengi: Greetings to all from Bezengi! If the weather "does not whisper", or even whispers "stay at home", then we just change the location, but do not change ... read more

Kristina Putintseva, guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Bezengi:

Greetings to all from Bezengi! If the weather "does not whisper", or even whispers "stay at home", then we just change the location, but do not change our plans. The sky has been accumulating rains for a long time, and we are the forces, so our rescue competitions were moved from the rock massif to the room.

Although from the outside it looked more like a web, in fact, there is nothing superfluous in the system. In a team, each participant knows their functions, actions become coordinated, fast and clear. Super Sherpa Team and Kristina Putintseva.




School of instructors. Sherpa Team and Kristina Putintseva study the technique of rescue operations

Kristina Putintseva, the guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Bezengi: We send everyone our hot "greetings" from Bezengi! Today we carried each other in our arms. In the literal sense of these words. We are talking about ... read more

Kristina Putintseva, the guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Bezengi:

We send everyone our hot "greetings" from Bezengi! Today we carried each other in our arms. In the literal sense of these words. We are talking about the technique and tactics of rescue operations. This is the topic of our last two days of work. Our Sherpa friends work seriously and responsibly manner. They are doing well.







Sherpa Team and Kristina Putintseva at rock lessons at the instructor school

Kristina Putintseva, guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Bezengi: Hello to everyone from our Super Sherpa Team! Today we spent a wonderful day on the rocks. We recall long-studied material, learn new things and learn to ... read more

Kristina Putintseva, guide and manager of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Bezengi:

Hello to everyone from our Super Sherpa Team! Today we spent a wonderful day on the rocks.

We recall long-studied material, learn new things and learn to teach. After all, in our work it is important not only to have knowledge, but also to consistently present the studied material.

Our friendly international team use three languages: Russian, Nepali and English. This makes our classes even more interesting. 






The team of training courses for climbing Mount Everest, Denali and Antarctica has completed the program. All participants are ready!

Elbrus. Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexey Lonchinsky reports from the Elbrus region: A mountain school - training courses for climbing Mount Everest, Denali and Antarctica has completed its work in the Elbrus region. We were able to go ... read more

Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexey Lonchinsky reports from the Elbrus region:

A mountain school - training courses for climbing Mount Everest, Denali and Antarctica has completed its work in the Elbrus region. We were able to go autonomously with all the necessary equipment and provisions for 5 days to the area of Lake Elbrus, get up to a safe bivouac. We conducted classes on the basic principles of safe movement on ice and snow terrain, how to properly use a field kitchen and cook! For the first time, they were able to go up from the lake to the Mir station and then settle in the houses of the National Park shelter. The next day, we made an acclimatization rotation to 4600 (Pastukhov Rocks).

The weather in the region was unstable, the ascent had to be abandoned. The window for a safe ascent will only be in a few days. We went down. Unfortunately, we were met with rain and sleet...

We hope that next year there will be lower temperatures and more snow! Guides Alexey Lonchinsky and Dmitry Semenov.










Excellent result! Photos from ice climbing in Tyrol

Alexander, guide of 7 summits Club from Austria: We have completed our ice climbing training session in Tyrol. We climbed over large ice cascade near  the small Stillebach village.               ... read more

Alexander, guide of 7 summits Club from Austria:

We have completed our ice climbing training session in Tyrol. We climbed over large ice cascade near  the small Stillebach village.























A busy holiday on Tyrolean ice. Photos

Alexander, a guide of The 7 Summits Club from Austria: Today, it was a day full of new knowledge, we tried a lot, worked out the basics of mountaineering, balay, climbing and descent on a fixed rope. After classes, we stormed several ... read more

Alexander, a guide of The 7 Summits Club from Austria: Today, it was a day full of new knowledge, we tried a lot, worked out the basics of mountaineering, balay, climbing and descent on a fixed rope. After classes, we stormed several icicles in the Pitztal valley. Tomorrow we go to storm one of the biggest frozen waterfalls in the area, it's 6 pitches of ice.












The message from Maxim Foygel: Autumn Mountain school in the Alps has begun work, the first day.

Maxim Foygel, guide of the 7 Summits Club: Cold and drizzly weather in the capital of mountaineering Chamonix has not inspired us to venture into the rocks. We quickly switched to Italy:) Oh, how wonderful is autumn Aosta! A complete ... read more

Maxim Foygel, guide of the 7 Summits Club: Cold and drizzly weather in the capital of mountaineering Chamonix has not inspired us to venture into the rocks. We quickly switched to Italy:)

Oh, how wonderful is autumn Aosta! A complete contrast of France.

On the rocks near the village of Arvier we worked out a basic mountaineering technic - descent and ascent on a rope, tied knots and refreshed knowledge on working with different types of equipment.

The forecast for tomorrow is good, we go on the glacier Mer de Glas for training in ice.










Video of the lecture about Kilimanjaro. Speakers Anastasia Kuznetsova and Valery Lavrus

Kilimanjaro. June 8th the 7 Summits Club 7 held another lecture along the program of its Mountaineering School. This time the focus was on the highest peak in Africa, the legendary Kilimanjaro. Our small room was full and listened with great attention ... read more

June 8th the 7 Summits Club 7 held another lecture along the program of its Mountaineering School. This time the focus was on the highest peak in Africa, the legendary Kilimanjaro. Our small room was full and listened with great attention to our lecturers:  manager of our company Anastasia Kuznetsova and one of the summiters on this mountain, a member of the Writers' Union Valery Lavrus



See the video of the lecture "Kilimanjaro: A pledge of successful ascent, or whatever you wanted, but were afraid to ask" –



February opened by technical training - it was GREAT! PHOTO

February 1th in the sports complex DDS  it was carried out regular technical training under the guidance of our "guru", the master of sports, the 7 Summits Club coach Alexander Lastochkin. Everything was great, just super! We all are ... read more

February 1th in the sports complex DDS  it was carried out regular technical training under the guidance of our "guru", the master of sports, the 7 Summits Club coach Alexander Lastochkin. Everything was great, just super! We all are waiting for the next technical training - February 8th! It will be interesting and useful to everyone!












Technical training of the Mountain School in Moscow, the benefit is obvious! PHOTO

January, 25th  the first this year  technical Training Mountain School of the 7 Summits Club was held in the sports complex DDS under the guidance of coach, master of sports Alexander Lactochkin. The main direction of training - ... read more

January, 25th  the first this year  technical Training Mountain School of the 7 Summits Club was held in the sports complex DDS under the guidance of coach, master of sports Alexander Lactochkin. The main direction of training - work with a rope, belay,  using fixed ropes.

Next technical training will be held on February 1, the wait for everyone! Just please, be recorded in advance. Technical training cost - 1000 rubles.









First the technical training in 2017 was held in the sports complex DDS

The first in this year's technical training took place on January 18 at the sports complex DDS . Classes are held under the supervision of the 7 Summits Club coach, master of sports Alexander Lastochkin.   All climbers are well ... read more

The first in this year's technical training took place on January 18 at the sports complex DDS . Classes are held under the supervision of the 7 Summits Club coach, master of sports Alexander Lastochkin.

  All climbers are well aware of the importance of good equipment, the right to use it. As well as the tactics of ascent, which also paid attention to the technical training. Based on the fact that it is necessary for our students, we build a lesson plan until the summer...












Впервые Клуб 7 Вершин провёл специальную  техническую тренировку

Вчера, 21 декабря состоялась  первая техническая тренировка Клуба 7 Вершин в ДДС. Тренировка стала бесплатным подарком для любителей альпинизма. Была большая, дружная команда.  Все учились вязать узлы на скорость, познакомились с ... read more

Вчера, 21 декабря состоялась  первая техническая тренировка Клуба 7 Вершин в ДДС. Тренировка стала бесплатным подарком для любителей альпинизма. Была большая, дружная команда.  Все учились вязать узлы на скорость, познакомились с видами снаряжения, способами работы с ним. В новом 2017 году ждём всех желающих на регулярные занятия. Присылайте ваши заявки на почту:







Спасибо Александру Ласточкину и Егору Дульневу за интересную тренировку и праздничное настроение!