Providing expeditions
since 2005

The 7 Summits Club congratulates Denis Grachev on the completion of the Seven Summits program!  And we invite him to climb Carstensz  

Everest. Successful ascent of Mount Everest as part of the 8000 Club group (head Viktor Volodin) Denis Grachev has completed a program of ascents to the highest peaks of all continents -The Seven Summits. Congratulations! Denis did it "according to ... read more


Successful ascent of Mount Everest as part of the 8000 Club group (head Viktor Volodin) Denis Grachev has completed a program of ascents to the highest peaks of all continents -The Seven Summits. Congratulations! Denis did it "according to Kosciuszko's version." Therefore, we not only congratulate him, but also invite him to join our expedition to the summit of the Carstensz Pyramid next year.

Denis is 50 years old, a Muscovite, a veteran of law enforcement agencies, and professes a lifestyle that is sympathetic to us. That is, adventures of various kinds. Motorcycle, parachute, mountaineering…









How it all happened. Viktor Volodin's report on the ascent of Mount Everest by the 8000 Club group

Everest. All namaste from the Himalayas! Due to the lack of communication, and sometimes even strength, it was not possible to transmit information. So, the 8000 Club group went to Camp 1 on May 12 and, having successfully overcome the Khumbu ... read more

All namaste from the Himalayas! Due to the lack of communication, and sometimes even strength, it was not possible to transmit information. So, the 8000 Club group went to Camp 1 on May 12 and, having successfully overcome the Khumbu icefall, reached its goal. On May 13th, we slowly move to Camp 2, the weather is pleasant and hot. On May 14th, the march is simple at first, and then we arrive at Camp 3 on steep ice. What is pleasing is that there are practically no people on the route. May 15th is one of the hardest and longest days, but nevertheless, we reach the South Col. However, not all of us.  Leonid, before the Camp of Route 4 on Lhotse, decides to stop climbing and go down. Everyone else reaches Camp 4 safely on a Saddle. And then it began: a strong wind tearing the tents that day does not even allow us to stick out our noses, let alone go out to storm. On May 16th, in the morning, we sit and hold tents, the wind has played out in earnest. According to the forecast, there should be a lull in the evening, and we decide to start a storm at 21 o'clock. Unfortunately, as often happens, the Hydrometeorological Center slightly failed. The wind is still strong. We don't have the energy, time, and everything else to wait any longer. And we decide to move out into the night. The frosty wind, burning our face and fingers, tries to stop us, but the thirst for victory and the desire to see the whole world from a height of 8848 m pushes the team to the top. And at 7.40 Nepali time on May 17th, Adrian, Denis, Konstantin and Sergey, as well as the Sherpas accompanying them, climbed to the top. Further, the strong wind does not stop and the long but pleasant road down to home, family and friends. Descent to Camp 2 and 1, Base camp, flight to Lukla and Kathmandu. The team's guide is Viktor Volodin.
















Viktor Volodin's group (Club 8000) celebrated the victory at the base camp, and Alex Abramov's team went down to Camp 2

Everest. The Everest climbers from the 8000 Club team with their leader Viktor Volodin safely descended from Camp 2 through the icefall and arrived at the Base Camp. A solemn meeting was arranged for the heroes here and in the evening they received ... read more

The Everest climbers from the 8000 Club team with their leader Viktor Volodin safely descended from Camp 2 through the icefall and arrived at the Base Camp. A solemn meeting was arranged for the heroes here and in the evening they received diplomas on climbing the highest peak in the World. Alex Abramov's team descended from the summit of Mount Everest after successfully climbing to Camp 2 for the night. Dmitry Moskalev came down here from the summit of Lhotse.  We are waiting for everyone at the Base Camp tomorrow!













Viktor Volodin's group is going to storm Mount Everest tonight. Good luck!

Everest. News from Everest. Viktor Volodin's group (8000 Club) is going to storm Mount Everest from Camp 4 on the Southern Saddle at 9 p.m. today. The wind, due to which there have been no ascents for three days, is subsiding. As it was predicted. ... read more

News from Everest. Viktor Volodin's group (8000 Club) is going to storm Mount Everest from Camp 4 on the Southern Saddle at 9 p.m. today. The wind, due to which there have been no ascents for three days, is subsiding. As it was predicted. Unfortunately, Leonid decided to end the expedition. He has already safely descended to the base camp.

 Alex Abramov's group (the 7 Summits Club) in full force went up to Camp 3 and is now resting.




The 8000 Club group at the base camp completes preparations for the assault on Mount Everest

Everest. Victor Volodin, the guide of the 8000 Club, reports from the Everest base camp: Very big greetings from Everest Base Camp, from the 8000 Club team! Today is the deadline for preparation. Everything is in the collection, everything is ... read more

Victor Volodin, the guide of the 8000 Club, reports from the Everest base camp:

 Very big greetings from Everest Base Camp, from the 8000 Club team!  Today is the deadline for preparation. Everything is in the collection, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. There is an acquaintance with the Sherpas, a discussion of the movement schedule, overnight stays, and most importantly, this is the day of the assault. All participants are in a good mood and ready to start. Wait for news from the vastness of Mount Everest!









The 8000 Club group returned to the base camp after a rest in Namche Bazaar and is preparing for the decisive assault on Mount Everest

Everest. Victor Volodin, the guide of the 8000 Club, reports from the Everest base camp: Good afternoon! Today, the 8000 Club team went up to the helipad from morning to early, after a rest, hoping to fly to the base camp. At first, there was no ... read more

Victor Volodin, the guide of the 8000 Club, reports from the Everest base camp:

Good afternoon! Today, the 8000 Club team went up to the helipad from morning to early, after a rest, hoping to fly to the base camp. At first, there was no light and no hint that we would get to the base camp today. But less than an hour later, our yellow helicopter loomed in the sky. And within an hour, the whole group was delivered to the Base Camp. Here, as usual, we were warmly and well received, and accordingly, we were well fed. Then we held another class on the use of oxygen equipment. Each participant independently tried this wonderful device on himself. Tomorrow we have a day of preparation and training for entering the high-altitude area.  And on the night of May 12th, we go out to storm. All feel good. Wish us an easy and safe road, and an easy descent to the base camp, and then home!











Chronicle of the 8000 Club expedition to Mount Everest. The second acclimatization rotation ended with a helicopter flight to Namche Bazaar

Everest. Victor Volodin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal: Good afternoon, dear friends! For some reason, I couldn't transmit the information in time, but we, the 8000 Club group, are doing well. So, I'm reproducing the ... read more

Victor Volodin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal:

Good afternoon, dear friends!

  For some reason, I couldn't transmit the information in time, but we, the 8000 Club group, are doing well. So, I'm reproducing the chronology of current events. At that time, when everyone was still asleep, our group of workers went to the parade at the crack of dawn on May 1 with the slogans "peace, labor May", but got lost and climbed the Khumbu icefall at night. So with jokes and a good mood, and favorable weather, we came to the first camp. In the evening, the wind picked up, which fluttered our tents and banners all night. By morning, the vestibule of only one tent had burst. Marching so joyfully and merrily, we met our holiday. 

 May 2 turned out to be a good day too, the weather is not very hot, otherwise you can roast yourself on this section of the way. The site is quite simple and safe, we come to the second camp (6500), everything is organized at the highest level and plus faster Internet.

  May 3 turned out to be a good day too, we're just lucky.  We get up slowly, have breakfast and go to the third camp. The task is not easy, it is necessary to overcome a steep ice slope, and most importantly, do not get hit by free-flying stones. But it bypassed us, and we successfully cross the boundary of 7 thousand above sea level. We safely descend to Camp 2 and have a second overnight stay at 6500. The third camp has not been set up due to strong winds and will be set up just before the assault. 

  On May 4, we collect our clothes, ourselves, have breakfast and slowly begin the descent to the base camp, where we are met by the camp administrator Lena, a hot shower, and delicious food.

  May 5 is a holiday - Christ is risen, and we are greeted festively in the morning by Sherpas with decorated Easter eggs. After a long and hard work, especially since the weather is starting to deteriorate, we decided to fly to Namche Bazaar for a vacation. The loss of height of two kilometers and the restoration of strength is necessary for high-altitude ascents. The participants feel great.








The 8000 Club team with guide Viktor Volodin descended to the base camp after a successful acclimatization rotation to the Camp 2

Everest from Nepal. The 8000 Club guide Viktor Volodin reports from the Everest Base Camp: I finally had the strength to give information! We, the 8000 Club team, are doing great. We went to 6100, then to the second camp at 6500, spent the night, ... read more

The 8000 Club guide Viktor Volodin reports from the Everest Base Camp:

I finally had the strength to give information! We, the 8000 Club team, are doing great. We went to 6100, then to the second camp at 6500, spent the night, acclimatized. It wasn't easy, but we coped and today we went down to the base camp, where we were very well received and fed, thanks to Lena Abramova.











The 8000 Club team with guide Viktor Volodin climbed to the Camp 2 on the slopes of Mount Everest. The Khumbu icefall has been passed

Everest from Nepal. The 8000 Club guide Viktor Volodin reports from the Second Everest Camp: Good day to all! Today is April 26th and we are at an altitude of 6500, in the Second Camp. As always, we have the best of everything and even at this height there is ... read more

The 8000 Club guide Viktor Volodin reports from the Second Everest Camp:

Good day to all! Today is April 26th and we are at an altitude of 6500, in the Second Camp. As always, we have the best of everything and even at this height there is Internet. And only with us.















The team of the 8000 Club expedition to Everest spent the first training day on the ice terrain near the base camp

Everest from Nepal. The 8000 Club guide Viktor Volodin reports from the Everest Base Camp: Greetings from Nepal! Today there was not just a busy day, but a very busy one. So, everything is in order, first we had ice classes. On them, we remembered and ... read more

The 8000 Club guide Viktor Volodin reports from the Everest Base Camp:

Greetings from Nepal!  Today there was not just a busy day, but a very busy one. So, everything is in order, first we had ice classes. On them, we remembered and fixed the work with the jumar on the ascent and descent along a fixed rope with a trigger device.  We also practiced moving up the stairs through the cracks. Then we had a puja, a blessing ceremony for good and great things. After the puja, ice classes were held again to consolidate the material.









The team of the 8000 Club expedition on Everest spent the first day at the base camp. Everything is according to plan, acclimatization is in full swing on the day of rest

Everest from Nepal. The 8000 Club guide Viktor Volodin reports from the Everest Base Camp: Good afternoon, everyone! Today, the 8000 Club team was settling in the base camp. We have a rest day, we check our equipment, admire the beautiful views, make small ... read more

The 8000 Club guide Viktor Volodin reports from the Everest Base Camp:

Good afternoon, everyone! Today, the 8000 Club team was settling in the base camp. We have a rest day, we check our equipment, admire the beautiful views, make small walk, take care of ourselves, so acclimatization takes place. After lunch, the team of the 7 Summits Club, led by Alexander Abramov, came to the camp. All participants feel well. Dr. Andrey Selivanov also came to the camp and he is already distributing pills for prevention.


The team of the 8000 Club expedition on Everest "Let's go!" moved from Namche Bazaar to Tiangboche

Everest from Nepal. The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Viktor Volodin, reports from Nepal: All namaste from Nepal! The group "Let's Go!" left Namche today in the direction of the high-altitude monastery of Tiangboche. The trail passed through groves of ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Viktor Volodin, reports from Nepal:

 All namaste from Nepal! The group "Let's Go!" left Namche today in the direction of the high-altitude monastery of Tiangboche. The trail passed through groves of rhododendrons, which are just beginning to bloom. The beauty is extraordinary. Loaded yaks were coming towards us, with musical bells around their necks, calling and at the same time soothing and lulling. But we have a clear goal and we have to go. In the second half of day, we arrived at the nicest hotel in the area, where a warm bed and shower are waiting for us. In the evening, a delicious dinner and a well-deserved night's sleep.









The team of the Everest expedition of the 8000 Club spent an acclimatization day in Namche Bazaar

Everest from Nepal. Victor Volodin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal: On the flip calendar, April 16. The group "Let's go!" is resting today, but is actively resting. In the morning we went to the Japanese hotel at an altitude of 3880 ... read more

Victor Volodin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal:

On the flip calendar, April 16. The group "Let's go!" is resting today, but is actively resting. In the morning we went to the Japanese hotel at an altitude of 3880 meters. We were really unlucky with the weather; it was cloudy and we couldn't see Ama Dablam and other beautiful mountains. In the afternoon, Abramov's group came up and in the evening we played billiards with them. As usual, friendship won. By evening, the weather turned bad and it started to rain. The participants feel well, their appetite and everything else is good.






The team of the Everest expedition of the 8000 Club "Let's go!" moved to the capital of the Sherpa country Namche Bazaar

Victor Volodin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal: Good afternoon, greetings from Nepal! Today, the group "Let's Go!" started from the village of Phakding and, passing through a narrow gorge with suspension bridges, reached ... read more

Victor Volodin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Nepal:

Good afternoon, greetings from Nepal! Today, the group "Let's Go!" started from the village of Phakding and, passing through a narrow gorge with suspension bridges, reached the capital of the Sherpas, Namche Bazaar. The weather is good, the mood is fighting.















The 8000 Club expedition on Everest has begun, the group has gathered in Kathmandu and is ready to fly to Lukla

Everest from Nepal. The guide of the 8000 Club, Viktor Volodin, reports from Nepal: News from April 13 from the Everest climbing group of the 8000 Club team. All participants arrived in Kathmandu. Today we had an excursion and educational day, we visited ... read more

The guide of the 8000 Club, Viktor Volodin, reports from Nepal:

News from April 13 from the Everest climbing group of the 8000 Club team. All participants arrived in Kathmandu. Today we had an excursion and educational day, we visited interesting places of the city. Then we checked the equipment and are already preparing for tomorrow's flight to Lukla.