Providing expeditions
since 2005

The 7 Summits Club group "Tajin" finished the adventure program in Morocco on the ocean shore in the city of Essaouira

Guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from sunny Morocco: So our big Moroccan adventure has ended. Today the participants of the "Tajin" group went their separate ways. Some went home. And some continued their vacation in ... read more

Guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva reports from sunny Morocco:

So our big Moroccan adventure has ended. Today the participants of the "Tajin" group went their separate ways. Some went home. And some continued their vacation in Morocco.

We spent the last two days in the wonderful city of Essaouira. We walked along its white and blue streets, ate fish from the fish market, breathed in the ocean air. The bravest even swam in it.

Essaouira is a wonderful city that we really didn't want to leave. It was a little sad to say goodbye. But everyone is already making plans for new trips with the 7 Summits Club.

















The 7 Summits Club "Tajin" group returned from the desert to Marrakech, having seen several more wonderful objects on the way

The 7 Summits Club guide Olga Rumyantseva sends from sunny Morocco: Greetings to everyone from Morocco from the Tajin group! Our desert adventures are over, but the journey around the country continues. Having left the desert, we drove ... read more

The 7 Summits Club guide Olga Rumyantseva sends from sunny Morocco:

Greetings to everyone from Morocco from the Tajin group! Our desert adventures are over, but the journey around the country continues.
Having left the desert, we drove towards Marrakech, in order to then get to the ocean. But before Marrakech and especially before the ocean, many interesting things were still waiting for us.
Leaving the desert, we stopped at a factory where they make various beautiful products from stones, in which ancient petrified animals are found. There are a lot of them - such stones - here. And now you can see what living creatures inhabited our planet many millions of years ago. Well, and buy yourself such a "little animal" for home.
From the desert, we went to Ben Al Hadda - a place famous for one of the oldest and most beautiful fortresses. This fortress is also known for the fact that many famous films were shot there. For example, the film "Gladiator".
In the evening we checked into a cozy and authentic riad, and early in the morning, before breakfast, we went to the fortress. Or as they say here, to the kasbah. We wandered along the ancient streets, looked at the work of local artists.
After that, we went to Marrakesh as soon as possible, because we had a big tour of the city there.
We walked along the streets of the old city while the guide told us stories, visited the Bahia Palace, where we admired the colorful tiles and exquisitely decorated ceilings. But most of all, of course, we liked the Mojarelle garden - the garden of Yves Saint Laurent. Its bright colors and various cacti are very cool.
These are the two busy days we had. Today we are leaving for the ocean.
































To begin our acquaintance with the Sahara, the 7 Summits Club "Tajin" group got caught in a downpour, which happens once every few years

The 7 Summits Club guide Olga Rumyantseva sends from sunny Morocco: Hello to everyone from Morocco from the Tajin group! Yesterday we reached the Sahara, survived a storm in the desert and spent a wonderful night among the dunes. We ... read more

The 7 Summits Club guide Olga Rumyantseva sends from sunny Morocco:

 Hello to everyone from Morocco from the Tajin group! Yesterday we reached the Sahara, survived a storm in the desert and spent a wonderful night among the dunes.

We spent half a day driving to the place where the huge orange dunes begin. Before heading into the desert, half of the group decided to relax by the pool. The other half of the group went for a ride on quad bikes through the dunes.

 Then we were all going to mount the camels and go to the tent camp in the desert. But as soon as we drove up to the camels, a real storm broke out. Streams of water poured down, lightning flashed. Local guides said that this happens here once every few years. As soon as the storm died down, refreshed by a light rain, we set out.

Lightning continued to flash, rain poured, but this did not prevent everyone from enjoying themselves. We spent the evening and night in a tent camp. True, it is a very comfortable camp - with beds and a hot shower in each room.

Until late at night we watched Berber dances to the beat of drums. Then we beat the drums ourselves and went to bed. But not for long. Because at six in the morning we went out onto a large dune to meet the dawn.

After breakfast, we mounted our camels again and left the desert with orange dunes.

























The summit! The 7 Summits Club "Tajin" group successfully climbed the highest peak of Morocco, Mount Jebel Toubkal

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva sends from sunny Morocco: Greetings to everyone from Morocco from the Tajin group! Today, almost the entire group climbed Mount Toubkal. The team set out to climb long before dawn. We ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva sends from sunny Morocco:

Greetings to everyone from Morocco from the Tajin group! Today, almost the entire group climbed Mount Toubkal. The team set out to climb long before dawn. We climbed over rocks for a long time, walked along rocky paths, looked at the stars and met the dawn. And finally, at eight in the morning, we found ourselves at the top.

Despite the fact that climbing Toubkal is considered quite easy, we had to work hard before we reached the top. Everyone was happy about it. Everyone was especially happy for our young participants in the climb.

By evening, we descended to the village of Imlil, where all the participants in the climb received well-deserved awards. Starting tomorrow, we will begin an exciting entertainment program in other places in Morocco.



















The 7 Summits Club "Tajin" group completed the trekking section and climbed to the refuge under Mount Toubkal

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva sends from sunny Morocco: Greetings to everyone from Morocco from the Tajin group! Today we left hot Marrakech and moved closer to the mountains to the village of Imlil, from where we set ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Olga Rumyantseva sends from sunny Morocco:

 Greetings to everyone from Morocco from the Tajin group! Today we left hot Marrakech and moved closer to the mountains to the village of Imlil, from where we set out towards the highest mountain in North Africa, Toubkal.

We spent the whole day trekking through very beautiful places. On the way, we kept up our strength with wonderful freshly squeezed orange juice. By evening we reached the refuge, from where we will set out for the ascent at night.
















A new 7 Summits Club group has started climbing Mount Toubkal in Morocco. The local name was chosen: "Tajine"

Olga Rumyantseva, the 7 Summits Club guide, sends the following message from sunny Morocco: Greetings to everyone from sunny and hot Morocco! Our large 7 Summits Club team has gathered here today. Thirteen participants from different ... read more

Olga Rumyantseva, the 7 Summits Club guide, sends the following message from sunny Morocco:

Greetings to everyone from sunny and hot Morocco! Our large 7 Summits Club team has gathered here today. Thirteen participants from different cities and countries have come to Marrakesh to get to know this beautiful country and climb the highest mountain in North Africa, Jebel Toubkal.

This time, there are many young participants in the group who came with their parents to try climbing for the first time and test themselves at altitude. The youngest participant is 9 years old.

Since the age range in the group is very large, I suggested calling the team "Pioneers and Pensioners". But the name "Tajine" won by a small margin. This is a national dish in Morocco. Very tasty and hot. I hope that our adventures will be the same.

Today we all got acquainted, all the participants received gifts from the 7 Summits Club, walked along the streets of Marrakech. And tomorrow morning we will leave for the mountains to climb Toubkal.