Providing expeditions
since 2005
11 November 2013, 04:23. Wilhelm, all programs »

Hello ! Our team sends greetings to all from the top of Mount Wilhelm, the highest peak in Papua New Guinea. Here we went up just 3-5 minutes ago, took pictures with our beloved flag, and are now beginning to slow down. Weather, thank God, improved, and will give us the opportunity to go down without accidents .... The team is: Oleg , Gregory , Michael , Vladimir, Vyacheslav , Lyudmila and Alexander. That is our cheerful company. Now we have to descend down. We walked up about 8 hours, and plan 7 hours to go down, because there is such a slippery road. The slippery, covered with dirt and grass rocks. That's it! I hope everything will be fine. So long! Hello everyone !