Providing expeditions
since 2005
4 November 2023, 08:55

Nikita Slotin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Papua New Guinea:

 Greetings to all from a mountain village on the other side of the world, from the group "I love PNG"! Today we have a busy day. We moved to a mountain lodge, from where our trekking will begin tomorrow. We visited the village and the wedding of our friend Mr. Pym's son. Locals traditionally cooked momo, which is pork baked in stones. We got acquainted with the tribes living in the nearest villages, plunged into the atmosphere of the history and culture of the inhabitants. By the way, pigs are the dowry for the wedding here, a huge number of pigs. The cost of one can reach $ 3,000. We are looking forward to tomorrow's trekking. I hope to be lucky with the weather.