Providing expeditions
since 2005

The summit! The "X Group" of the 7 Summits Club successfully climbed the summit of the Damavand volcano

Damavand. The 7 Summits Club guide Alexander Dorojukov sends from Iran: Greetings from Iran from the "X Group"! Today we reached our goal and climbed Mount Damavand. The day before there was a thunderstorm with snow all evening, so we postponed the ... read more

The 7 Summits Club guide Alexander Dorojukov sends from Iran:

Greetings from Iran from the "X Group"! Today we reached our goal and climbed Mount Damavand. The day before there was a thunderstorm with snow all evening, so we postponed the start time several times. In the end, we finally waited for a weather window and successfully climbed to the top. On the descent, we were caught in a thunderstorm with snow again. But now we are already in the camp and resting.






"Group X" of the 7 Summits Club made the final acclimatization hike before storming Damavand

Damavand. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Iran: Greetings from Iran from "Group X"! For greater acclimatization today we walked to an altitude of 4500 meters. The weather is not pleasing to us, there is always a ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov reports from Iran:

Greetings from Iran from "Group X"! For greater acclimatization today we walked to an altitude of 4500 meters. The weather is not pleasing to us, there is always a thunderstorm with snow after lunch. But here they feed us enough to slaughter. Sheep, meats, whatever you want! Tonight we will start in the direction of the summit. We hope for success!





"Group X" of the 7 Summits Club received permits and is preparing to go to the Damavand base camp

Damavand. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov sends from Iran: Greetings from Iran! Today the team of the 7 Summits Club "Group X" moved to the foot of Mount Damavand. In the Iranian Mountaineering Federation we received ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov sends from Iran:

Greetings from Iran! Today the team of the 7 Summits Club "Group X" moved to the foot of Mount Damavand. In the Iranian Mountaineering Federation we received consultations and issued permits. In the hotel we sorted out our things, we are preparing to go to the base camp tomorrow. Well, and traditionally we eat delicious kebabs. Everything is fine with us, we continue to work according to plan.








The new 7 Summits Club group has started preparing for the ascent on the summit of the Damavand volcano with the guide Alexander Dorojukov

Damavand. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov sends from Iran: Greetings from Iran! Yesterday, the participants of the new 7 Summits Club program - "Group X" arrived here. We checked into the hotel, had a briefing. Today we climbed ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Dorojukov sends from Iran:

Greetings from Iran! Yesterday, the participants of the new 7 Summits Club program - "Group X" arrived here. We checked into the hotel, had a briefing. Today we climbed Mount Tochal, looked at Tehran from above. Then we went down to the hotel, we will rest. We eat delicious kebabs and olives. And in general, Iranian cuisine is very tasty.







Summit! The 7 Summits Club group "Masha and the Lions" successfully climbed the summit of the Damavand volcano, the highest on the Asian continent

Damavand. Greetings from Iran! Yesterday, the "Masha and the Lions" group in full force climbed the summit of Damavand! The weather was ideal, it was practically windless and sunny. We left at three o'clock in the morning in full force, then ... read more

Greetings from Iran! Yesterday, the "Masha and the Lions" group in full force climbed the summit of Damavand! The weather was ideal, it was practically windless and sunny. We left at three o'clock in the morning in full force, then nevertheless divided along the way into those who were faster and those who were moderate. But the main thing is that everyone was at the top in 7.5 hours maximum time. Now that's moderate, you might say! The descent also went at an excellent pace, so we were already at the hotel by 9:00 PM. A hot shower and dinner at the restaurant were a great end to such a busy day. Everyone is great! Both Masha and the lions!

Guides Valery Myasoedov and Andrey Selivanov.








The 7 Summits Club group "Masha and the Lions" climbed to the assault camp of Damavand and is ready to go to storm the summit

Damavand. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov reports from Iran: Greetings from Iran! The group "Masha and the Lions" has reached the final part. Tomorrow early in the morning we are scheduled to go to the summit of Damavand. The day ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov reports from Iran:

Greetings from Iran! The group "Masha and the Lions" has reached the final part. Tomorrow early in the morning we are scheduled to go to the summit of Damavand. The day before, we climbed to the assault camp at 4200 m, at a good pace in 5 hours, which shows the good physical fitness of the participants. We were accommodated in the best "rooms" of the shelter, and delicious food and a pleasant time spent talking and playing Perudo create a favorable atmosphere. Today before lunch we made a short acclimatization hike to 4500 m. During the day we discussed organizational aspects of the upcoming ascent. The mood is the most decisive, wish us luck! Guides Andrey Selivanov and Valery Myasoedov.







The 7 Summits Club group "Masha and the Lions" made an acclimatization climb to the top of Mount Tochal and moved to the foot of Damavand

Damavand. Greetings from Iran! The group "Masha and the Lions" continues its smooth acclimatization before the climb, yesterday was the last day of relaxation. In the morning, we went to the top of Tochal, it is an hour and a half up and down from ... read more

Greetings from Iran! The group "Masha and the Lions" continues its smooth acclimatization before the climb, yesterday was the last day of relaxation. In the morning, we went to the top of Tochal, it is an hour and a half up and down from the seventh station of the cable car. We climbed at a leisurely pace. Nevertheless, the goal was achieved, we visited the highest point of this area, 3964 m. Then we went down by cable car to Tehran and began moving towards Damavand. We issued permits at the House of the Iranian Mountaineering Federation, then checked into the amazing Arses Hotel, which looks like an oasis against the backdrop of the village landscape. Before dinner we took a dip in a thermal spring, and at the end of the most eventful day of the program we had a tasting of kebabs and shashliks in the local kebab shop of Larijana. Today we start working for real, we climb to the camp at 4200 m. Guides Andrey Selivanov and Valery Myasoedov.














The 7 Summits Club group "Masha and the Lions" started the acclimatization part of the Damavand climbing program

Damavand. The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Valery Myasoedov, reports from Iran: Hi from Iran! The group "Masha and the Lions" began the acclimatization part of the program on the second day of their stay in the country. In the early afternoon, we ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club, Valery Myasoedov, reports from Iran:

 Hi from Iran! The group "Masha and the Lions" began the acclimatization part of the program on the second day of their stay in the country. In the early afternoon, we climbed the cable car to 3,600 m and checked into the cozy Hotel Tochal. The accommodations for a high-altitude hotel are luxurious. The good food, the comfortable rooms, the recreation area, all contribute to acclimatization and recovery. In the afternoon, we climbed to the top of Mount Shah Nesh, 3,800 meters, and enjoyed a panoramic view of Tehran. Suddenly, the Damavand, which is usually hidden in the mist, opened up. In the evening, Andrey Selivanov gave a lecture on hypoxic training in preparation for climbing. Our participants showed great interest and asked many questions. The guides are Andrey Selivanov and Valery Myasoedov.








The new group of the 7 Summits Club arrived in Iran and began to get acquainted with the sights of this country

Damavand. The guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov reports from Iran: Greetings from Iran! The new group of the 7 Summits Club has started the program of climbing Damavand! Tehran greeted us with the usual heat, under +36. However, in the ... read more

The guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov reports from Iran:

Greetings from Iran! The new group of the 7 Summits Club has started the program of climbing Damavand! Tehran greeted us with the usual heat, under +36. However, in the north of the city, at the foot of the mountain range, where our magnificent hotel Espinas Palace is located, it is more comfortable. The first day of the stay was devoted to getting to know the city. The program included lunch in the panoramic restaurant of the Milod Tower at an altitude of 280 m, a sightseeing tour of Tehran and a visit to the Golestan Palace, the residence of the Qajar dynasty. We managed to do everything, even left a couple of hours to relax in the hotel spa. The welcome dinner was held in the Diba restaurant, numerous appetizers, traditional Iranian kebabs and shashliks were appreciated by the group members. During the day we got to know each other better and wished each other a successful ascent. The name of the group will be announced in the next news item. Guides Andrey Selivanov and Valery Myasoedov.











The 7 Summits Club group "Ripe Peaches" completes its program of stay in Iran

Damavand. Valery Myasoedov, A Guide of the 7 Summits Club, sends from Iran: Greetings from Iran! "Ripe Peaches" has completed its program of stay in the country, this early morning the last participants flew home. What we saw during the three days ... read more

Valery Myasoedov, A Guide of the 7 Summits Club, sends from Iran:

Greetings from Iran! "Ripe Peaches" has completed its program of stay in the country, this early morning the last participants flew home. What we saw during the three days of the excursion program, as they say... can't be described in a fairy tale or with a pen. The ancient capitals of Persia Shiraz, Persepolis, Pasargadae, Isfahan... touching this part of the cultural heritage of mankind takes your breath away. History is at every step here. 2500 years of construction used technologies that even now are impossible for modern man to understand. Centuries-old history, excellent cuisine, friendly and welcoming people await you in this hospitable country. Combining this exciting tour with climbing Damavand is the best gift to yourself! Plan and join us next season, recruitment for groups is already open.












The 7 Summits Club group "Ripe Peaches" continued the program of stay in Iran and visited the fabulous city of Shiraz

Damavand. A guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov: Greetings from Iran! The "Ripe Peaches" group, or rather part of it, is still in the country and is making a sightseeing tour of the ancient capitals of Persia. Yesterday, early in the ... read more

A guide of the 7 Summits Club Valery Myasoedov:

Greetings from Iran! The "Ripe Peaches" group, or rather part of it, is still in the country and is making a sightseeing tour of the ancient capitals of Persia.

Yesterday, early in the morning, we flew to Shiraz, the capital of the province of Fars, and spent the whole day in this ancient city of poets, love and roses. So many magnificent gardens and parks, magnificent mosques... in this aspect Shiraz has no competitors. We visited the Narenjestan Garden, the Garden of Eden, the tomb of Hafez, the great poet of the 14th century, revered by all Iranians, then had lunch in a traditional restaurant near the Vakil Bazaar. The bazaar itself has 400 years of history, a walk through it is an obligatory part of the program of stay in Shiraz. In the evening we walked in the city center around the Karim Khan Fortress, where on weekends, and Thursday is a day off in Iran, like Saturday in our country, thousands of city dwellers gather, and tasted the famous Shiraz dessert faloodeh. A wonderful end to the day!










The 7 Summits Club group "Ripe Peaches" celebrated a successful ascent in a first-class restaurant. Participants received certificates and medals

Damavand. Hello to everyone from "Ripe Peaches"! Today we had a day of impromptu. After a late breakfast, we decided to get closer to Iranian culture by visiting some of the sights. We made many new discoveries about how huge Tehran is, how friendly ... read more

Hello to everyone from "Ripe Peaches"! Today we had a day of impromptu. After a late breakfast, we decided to get closer to Iranian culture by visiting some of the sights. We made many new discoveries about how huge Tehran is, how friendly the locals are to tourists, and about the political and economic relations with other countries...

In the evening, we all gathered for a gala dinner in one of the best restaurants in Tehran with a stunning view. There, we presented awards and medals to our champions. We shared our impressions of the past trip and even made joint plans for the future!

Guides Valery Myasoedov and Kristina Putintseva.










Summit! The 7 Summits Club group has successfully climbed the summit of the Damavand volcano. Our congratulations!

Damavand. Greetings to everyone from the Ripe Peaches team! Today we had a very long and eventful day. We got up early. We left the shelter in the direction of the summit under the moonlight at 3:10. We walked slowly, in an even formation, singing ... read more

Greetings to everyone from the Ripe Peaches team! Today we had a very long and eventful day. We got up early. We left the shelter in the direction of the summit under the moonlight at 3:10. We walked slowly, in an even formation, singing songs. And already at 9:50 we reached the summit of the highest volcano in Asia, 5609 m! We tried to take a photo as if we were the only ones at the top, but today there were quite a lot of people. Therefore, we did not linger long and began the descent. And at 12:30 we were already met at the camp with a hot delicious lunch.

The weather today was incredibly pleasing to us, and we still had plenty of strength, so we decided to continue the descent and get to Tehran. Everyone is alive and well, they haven't realized their feat yet, but we are already accepting congratulations!

Guides Valery Myasoedov and Kristina Putintseva.










The 7 Summits Club super-group "Ripe Peaches" is ready to attempt to climb Damavand

Damavand. Hello to everyone from "Ripe Peaches"! Today we went for a walk, or rather, made an acclimatization hike, and climbed from our camp from 4200m to 4500m. We had a small picnic, met tourists from other countries, sunbathed, took photos and ... read more

Hello to everyone from "Ripe Peaches"! Today we went for a walk, or rather, made an acclimatization hike, and climbed from our camp from 4200m to 4500m. We had a small picnic, met tourists from other countries, sunbathed, took photos and went down. Today is our day of rest, so we enjoyed the weather and the views. At dinner, we celebrated Kristina Putintseva's birthday with non-alcoholic Iranian beer and sweet cake. We are already getting ready for bed, because tomorrow is our most important day.

We hope to return to you with news by lunch.

Super-guides Valery Myasoedov and Kristina Putintseva.








The 7 Summits Club team "Ripe Peaches" received permits to climb Damavand after climbing Mount Tochal

Damavand. Greetings to everyone from the "Ripe Peaches" team! Today's acclimatization night was great. And despite the fact that we spent the night at an altitude of 3600 m, a cozy hotel with spacious rooms and a view of the mountains allowed us to ... read more

Greetings to everyone from the "Ripe Peaches" team! Today's acclimatization night was great. And despite the fact that we spent the night at an altitude of 3600 m, a cozy hotel with spacious rooms and a view of the mountains allowed us to forget about the altitude. As a morning workout, we made a training climb on Mount Tochal, 3964 m. Having descended to the foot of the mountain by cable car, we headed towards the House of the Iranian Mountaineering Federation, where we received our permits for the climb. Before dinner, we stopped at the thermal springs at the foot of Damavand. Then we got even more involved in the local culture by visiting a local cafe, where we tried many different kebabs...
We discussed plans for tomorrow and went to rest after such a busy day.
Guides Valery Myasoedov and Kristina Putintseva.











The 7 Summits Club team "Ripe Peaches" made an acclimatization ascent to the summit of Shah Nishin

Damavand. Hello to everyone from the "Ripe Peaches" team! Today we will set off to the slopes of Mount Tochal. In winter, this is a gorgeous ski resort, and now, an empty chalet is completely at our disposal! The weather is favorable to us, so after ... read more

Hello to everyone from the "Ripe Peaches" team! Today we will set off to the slopes of Mount Tochal. In winter, this is a gorgeous ski resort, and now, an empty chalet is completely at our disposal! The weather is favorable to us, so after a hearty lunch, we went for a walk. We walked so well that we climbed to the top of Shah Nishin, which translates as "a place for a king." Our royal team took a rest right at the top, admired the views of Tehran and the nearby mountains, drank tea, and under the rays of the setting sun, wandered along the multi-colored slopes to a delicious hearty dinner. After eating, we decided to play the famous game "Uno" and went our separate ways to gather strength for tomorrow.
Guides Valery Myasoedov and Kristina Putintseva.








A new group of the 7 Summits Club arrived in Iran. "Ripe Peach" got straight to the epicenter of the Persian paradise

Damavand. Greetings to everyone from Iran from the "Ripe Peach" group! Today was a very long and eventful day for our eyes. We arrived at night, rested a little in our hotel (a real palace) Espinash Palace, and went to the most iconic places of ... read more

Greetings to everyone from Iran from the "Ripe Peach" group! Today was a very long and eventful day for our eyes. We arrived at night, rested a little in our hotel (a real palace) Espinash Palace, and went to the most iconic places of Tehran. We climbed the TV tower, had a delicious lunch of local dishes in a panoramic restaurant. Then we went to the Rose Palace - Golestan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where each hall shines brighter than diamonds. We stopped at souvenir shops, admired the handicrafts of local craftsmen, and after a short rest gathered for a generous dinner.

Guides Valery Myasoedov and Kristina Putintseva.










Summit! The 7 Summits Club group of the Super Girls project climbed  the summit of Damavand. Congratulations!!!

Damavand. Damavand (5609 m). Super Girls project. 7 Volcanoes project. The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Iran: Today, August 13, the ENTIRE TEAM of SuperGirls heroically climbed the highest volcano in Asia, Mount ... read more

Damavand (5609 m). Super Girls project. 7 Volcanoes project.

The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Iran:

Today, August 13, the ENTIRE TEAM of SuperGirls heroically climbed the highest volcano in Asia, Mount Damavand, 5610 meters high.

 All the girls are happy and are already making new plans!








The 7 Summits Club group of the Super Girls project held a photo shoot during a short acclimatization hike in the area of ​​the Damavand assault camp

Damavand. Damavand (5609 m). Super Girls project. 7 Volcanoes project. The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Iran: Today was the final acclimatization day of the Supergirls group before the attempt to climb ... read more

Damavand (5609 m). Super Girls project. 7 Volcanoes project.

The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov reports from Iran:

Today was the final acclimatization day of the Supergirls group before the attempt to climb Damavand. We had a photo shoot, tried very hard to take great photos and videos. At night we go out to climb the highest volcano in Asia - Mount Damavand, 5609 meters.











The 7 Summits Club group of the Super Girls project received a permit and climbed to the refuge, to the assault camp of Damavand

Damavand. Damavand (5609 m). The Super Girls project. The 7 Volcanoes project. The president of the 7 Summits Club Alex Abramov reports from Iran: After spending a day of rest at the Larijan hot springs and receiving a permit to climb Damavand, ... read more

Damavand (5609 m). The Super Girls project. The 7 Volcanoes project.

The president of the 7 Summits Club Alex Abramov reports from Iran:

After spending a day of rest at the Larijan hot springs and receiving a permit to climb Damavand, the Supergirls team climbed to an excellent refuge. From here, the assault on the summit takes place. Today we have a photo shoot on the slopes, and at night we will go to the assault.

All the girls feel great!