Providing expeditions
since 2005

The 7 Summits Club wishes you a happy International Mountain Day!

Congratulations on the International Mountain Day! Friends, love adventures, give yourself vivid emotions, love nature, go to the mountains! And let's do everything to preserve the beauty of the mountains for us and for our descendants! ... read more

Congratulations on the International Mountain Day! Friends, love adventures, give yourself vivid emotions, love nature, go to the mountains! And let's do everything to preserve the beauty of the mountains for us and for our descendants!

 We keep calling you to the mountains! The 7 Summits Club is always ready to help you organize mountain trips around the world. Follow the updates of our programs.  Mountains should give us the happiest moments of our lives, and giving people happiness is our mission!

   If possible, leave the mountains clean after you!  And in general, do everything possible to keep the mountains a territory of freedom, a territory where you can meet with pristine nature, a place of joyful meeting with friends, a place you want to return to, where you want to bring children, where everyone will be happy!





The International Mountain Day on December 11 was established by decision of the UN General Assembly in January 2003.  Every year, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) at the United Nations, responsible for this holiday, determines the themes of the year.



International Mountain Day 2023

Restoring mountain ecosystems is the theme of this year's International Mountain Day on 11 December.

This theme was selected to fully include mountains in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030, co-led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN and the UN Environment Programme. The Decade is an opportunity to draw together political support, scientific research and financial resources to significantly scale-up restoration and prevent further degradation of mountain ecosystems.


Mountains cover around 27 percent of the Earth's land surface and host about half of the world's biodiversity hotspots. As the water towers of the world, they supply freshwater to an estimated half of humanity. Mountains are home to an extraordinary range of plants and animals, and to many culturally diverse communities with different languages and traditions. From climate regulation and water provisioning services, to soil maintenance and conservation, mountains are key to our lives and livelihoods.


Yet mountains are suffering from the impacts of climate change and unsustainable development, escalating risks for people and the planet. Climate change threatens the flow of water, and fast-rising temperatures are forcing mountain species and the people that depend on these ecosystems to adapt or migrate. Steep slopes mean the clearing of forest for farming, settlements or infrastructure can cause soil erosion as well as the loss of habitat. Erosion and pollution harm the quality of water flowing downstream. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, up to 84 percent of endemic mountain species are at risk of extinction, while populations of a range of other montane plant and animal species are projected to decline and face extinction.


The recent biodiversity agreement of the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference – which pledges to protect 30 percent of the Earth's lands, oceans, coastal areas and inland waters by 2030 – provides an impetus to revive and protect mountain landscapes.


The UN General Assembly also recently proclaimed 2023–2027 "Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions" in its triennial resolution on sustainable mountain development. Its objectives are to attract grant assistance and investments for mountains, develop "green" economies and technologies, create mechanisms to strengthen cooperation between mountainous countries, and develop science and education in the field of sustainable mountain development.


International Mountain Day 2023 is a chance to increase awareness about the relevance of mountain ecosystems and call for nature-based solutions, best practices and investments that build resilience, reduce vulnerability and increase the ability of mountains to adapt to daily threats and extreme climatic events.

In the coming months, we will prepare communication materials in all six UN languages, which will be available here.

While "Restoring mountain ecosystems" is the suggested theme for 2023, countries, communities and organizations are welcome to celebrate IMD through a theme that is more relevant to them.

What can you do?

  • Check out the International Mountain Day social media kit for resources that can be shared widely across your networks.
  • Join the conversation on social media using the #MountainsMatter hashtag. Pass on some of this year's key messages or take a photo of your favourite mountain and share it with us and your friends.
  • Organize or participate in activities that celebrate mountains, including virtual presentations and events, photo competitions, art exhibitions and hikes.
  • Promote your planned event by officially registering it on our gallery of events happening around the world.



Sergey Bogomolov on the results of the expedition to K2. Chronicle, impressions, analysis. Part 1. How I was convinced

It all started with an August 2022 video message to me from Alexander Abramov and Fyodor Konyukhov. They were then "sitting" with a group of climbers on Mount Damavand in Iran. And, as usually happens, there was a conversation about the ... read more

It all started with an August 2022 video message to me from Alexander Abramov and Fyodor Konyukhov.

They were then "sitting" with a group of climbers on Mount Damavand in Iran. And, as usually happens, there was a conversation about the 14x8000 program, its implementation in the world and in our country. It turned out that I had been the leader of this program for 21 years and there was "no one close", but at the same time I had "stopped" high-altitude mountaineering since 2016.

 They called for "shaking up the old days", making another attempt to climb K2, and took over the organization and financing.



I replied to him: Alex, hello everyone! I am glad to see and hear! You don't let me live up to my age!

Yes, let the young people be puzzled by the question and solve it! It's so cool!

And I'll bend over there and fuck who needs it! I will also make a negative image for Russia! Hugging everyone!



In previous years, there were also conversations on this topic, with the same Abramov, with the famous athlete and guide Sergei Baranov. Sergey, addressing me, said - Listen, now mountaineering has become not the one that you "walked". Everything has become easier, go ahead, and I'll find the money.  But the brakes were "sitting" inside me and I refused.

 But this time Alex convinced me - Listen, Serega, I saw how some girls could not overcome the Baltoro glacier, walked, "died". And then I find out that they climbed K2! The mountain has changed, everything will be fixed, you will be helped by Sherpas to carry the cargo, plus oxygen. This year (2022) 180 people did it!

The last phrase especially impressed me.

- How is it, did they put an "elevator" there!?

I was all in doubt and decided for myself that I needed to "check" my body. Judging of the Kazbek races was scheduled for September. And I decided to make a full-fledged ascent to the top from the Karmadon gorge along the standard route 2B of the difficulty category.





A team of managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club has completed a corporate trip to Dagestan. Those were unforgettable days!

We spent the night from October 13 to October 14 at the Khvaltish Hotel at an altitude of 1613 meters. It is located on the shore of the Gergebil reservoir. So far, only the first steps have been taken here to improve this promising place. ... read more

We spent the night from October 13 to October 14 at the Khvaltish Hotel at an altitude of 1613 meters. It is located on the shore of the Gergebil reservoir. So far, only the first steps have been taken here to improve this promising place. We had dinner and breakfast in glamping dome tents near the hotel. There's nothing wrong with the food here. In the evening we were pleased with dancing by our friends! And in the morning there was exercise, breakfast with coffee and a long journey... Dagestan is bigger than you think. This picturesque, hospitable republic largely consists of objects of interest to tourists. You can spend a month here, but you won't see everything. This is true. But we simply did not consider it possible to ignore the oldest city of the Russian Federation, the millennial Derbent. Of course, the walls erected in the sixth century are impressive. Yes, indeed. We had a wonderful guide who courageously coped with a large group surrounded by hundreds of other tourists. At the end we had a very hearty meat lunch with fragrant local wine. And back to the buses – to the airport…

There we said goodbye to our Dagestani friends. I really want to see them again and visit Dagestan again.




















Summit! The main part of the team of managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club made a traverse of the Mayak peak in the Gunib area today

The highest point of the Gunib district is the Mayak (Lighthouse) Mountain with a height of 2,352 meters. Today our team passed the traverse of the massif, visiting the famous Gunib tunnel on the descent. It was punched specifically for the ... read more

The highest point of the Gunib district is the Mayak (Lighthouse) Mountain with a height of 2,352 meters. Today our team passed the traverse of the massif, visiting the famous Gunib tunnel on the descent. It was punched specifically for the passage of Emperor Alexander II in the 60s of the XIX century.  As a result, we got about 20 kilometers with a height difference of up to 1 kilometer. The weather was great, everyone in the group walked at a different pace, but steadily. We admired the grandiose views of mountainous Dagestan, saw soaring eagles under us. Many thanks to the local guys who accompanied us and showed us the right way! All the participants of this climb were just happy with how they spent that day!













The second day of the trip of the team of employees of the 7 Summits Club turned out to be great. We went up to the historical village of Gamsutl, had lunch in Chokh, looked through the eyes of Aivazovsky and plunged into the waterfall

On this day, we were accompanied by beautiful weather. After high-quality morning exercises (thanks to the guide Evgeny Fedyunin) and breakfast, we went on an excursion to the abandoned village of Gamsutl. A wonderful path led us to the ... read more

On this day, we were accompanied by beautiful weather.  After high-quality morning exercises (thanks to the guide Evgeny Fedyunin) and breakfast, we went on an excursion to the abandoned village of Gamsutl. A wonderful path led us to the ruins of a once large settlement. For lunch we moved to the modern village of Choh. Then we visited the observation point, from which the artist Aivazovsky painted the famous panorama. And a visit to the Saltinsky Waterfall. Local canyoning was quite a worthy end of the day. Thanks to our Dagestan partners, the organizers of the tour! Thanks to all the participants!



















Trailer for the movie "The High Altitude Gene 2. The Mountain of all mountains" from the RD Studia. A film about the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on K2 will be ready by the end of the year

Starting in June, the expedition of the 7 Summits Club to K2 ended in early August. The conditions for climbing corresponded to the image of the "most inaccessible" and dangerous mountain in the World. We did not wait for any stable ... read more

Starting in June, the expedition of the 7 Summits Club to K2 ended in early August.  The conditions for climbing corresponded to the image of the "most inaccessible" and dangerous mountain in the World. We did not wait for any stable weather window, but in general we successfully coped with our task.

On July 27, 2023, sisters Maria Oglobleva and Ekaterina Safronova, Dmitry Moskalev and high-altitude operator Vladimir Kotlyar climbed to the top of K2.

On July 28, Lyudmila Korobeshko, Daniil Briman, Valery Tebiev and Arno Ter-Saakov (Armenia – Latvia – Monaco), as well as cameraman Luis Lopez Soriano (Spain) reached the summit.

A total of 8 participants, 2 high-altitude operators and 10 Sherpas ascended the summit of K2 from the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club. There are 20 people under the leadership of Lyudmila Korobeshko. The ascent took place in bad weather, with a poor condition of the route. The more honorable the victory!

During this expedition, a film was shot, which later became known as "The High Altitude Gene 2. The Mountain of all mountains".   We are waiting for the release of a new masterpiece from RD Studio. In the meantime, watch the trailer!




K2 climbers in Moscow 28.09


In 2024, Mount Everest from Tibet! We promised to come back – and we are coming back!

Everest. Good news: China has confirmed permission to conduct an expedition on Mount Everest from the north. And we are already accepting applications for the spring of 2024! Dreams come true! From 2003 to 2019 (with a couple of breaks), the 7 ... read more

Good news: China has confirmed permission to conduct an expedition on Mount Everest from the north. And we are already accepting applications for the spring of 2024! Dreams come true!

From 2003 to 2019 (with a couple of breaks), the 7 Summits Club organized expeditions to Mount Everest from the North Side, from Tibet. Naturally, for 15 seasons we have lived in these places so much that they have become our own, home. The cataclysms of recent years have forced us to relocate to the South Side. Of course, we have settled in here enough. But everyone remembered the past years with some nostalgia. When we left, we promised to return, and we will fulfill this promise. Join our expedition!

The route from the north is very different from the route from the south. They actually have little in common. So those who walked from the south may well supplement their acquaintance with Everest by visiting its northern slopes.

What are the advantages of Tibet.

Firstly, actually in the opportunity to get acquainted with this Tibet. And  this Tibet, is unique and unforgettable. We start our route in its capital Lhasa and the way to the base camp passes through places where the old and the new, primitive and high-tech, bizarrely overlap.

A highway approaches the base camp from the north. What advantages it gives can be listed for a very long time, without naming everything. In any case, the accommodation here is more comfortable and the rest in the base camp is of higher quality. We are free to go down on rest and buy everything we need.

The route from the north (Mallory and Irvine's way) is longer and physically more difficult than from the south. But it is practically devoid of objective dangers, which are in abundance on the other side of the mountain.

It is practically guaranteed that there will be an order of magnitude fewer climbers on the northern route than on the southern route. And this is important both in terms of security and in terms of personal emotions.

















The expedition team of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club left the K2 base camp and began the journey home!

This morning our team left the base camp and began the long journey back home. They will have to walk the familiar path along the Baltoro glacier to Ascole, the first settlement to which the highway approaches. We remind you that on July 27 ... read more

This morning our team left the base camp and began the long journey back home. They will have to walk the familiar path along the Baltoro glacier to Ascole, the first settlement to which the highway approaches. We remind you that on July 27 and 28, two teams of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club ascended to the top of K2 in the number of 8 participants, 2 high-altitude operators and 10 Sherpas. There are 20 people under the leadership of Lyudmila Korobeshko. The ascent took place in bad weather, with a poor condition of the route. A lot of material has been shot for the future film "The Høïð Altitude Gene 2. K2". We are waiting for the heroes at home!






And now – CONGRATULATIONS!  The participants of the third group of the expedition, summiters of K2, safely descended to the base camp. Happy victory!

Group No. 3 consisting of Lyudmila Korobeshko, Daniil Briman, Valery Tebiev and Arno Ter-Saakov safely descended to the base camp today. The weather on the mountain predictably and finally deteriorated, the descent against the background of ... read more

Group No. 3 consisting of Lyudmila Korobeshko, Daniil Briman, Valery Tebiev and Arno Ter-Saakov safely descended to the base camp today. The weather on the mountain predictably and finally deteriorated, the descent against the background of incredible fatigue was not easy. But now when everyone is assembled, you can celebrate, receive awards and congratulations. And get ready to go home in a good mood. We are waiting! The participants of the first-second group have already started the trek down the glacier.

 Photos and videos from the RD Studio team.








A little more to wait... The first two groups of climbers on K2 descended to the base camp. The third spends the night in Camp-2

There is still a little time left before the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2 will be completed. It is necessary that the third team (Lyudmila Korobeshko, Daniil Briman, Valery Tebiev, Arno Ter-Saakov and their ... read more

There is still a little time left before the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2 will be completed. It is necessary that the third team (Lyudmila Korobeshko, Daniil Briman, Valery Tebiev, Arno Ter-Saakov and their escorts) descend safely from Camp-2, where they stay after reaching the summit, to the base camp. The happy winners from the first two groups, Ekaterina Safronova, Maria Oglobleva, Dmitry Moskalev and Bartolomey Pachosky, have already been welcomed at the base. Before relaxation, there is a little patience and a little luck left. We are waiting for the heroes!







The third group of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club went out to storm the summit. The participants of the first two groups safely descended with a victory!

Tonight, third part of our team started for the summit push. The group consisting of: Lyudmila Korobeshko, Arno Ter-Saakov, Valery Tebiev, Daniil Briman and our high-altitude operator Luis Lopez. The summiters of K2 of the first wave ... read more

Tonight, third part of our team started for the summit push. The group consisting of: Lyudmila Korobeshko, Arno Ter-Saakov, Valery Tebiev, Daniil Briman and our high-altitude operator Luis Lopez.

The summiters of K2 of the first wave Ekaterina Safronova and Maria Oglobleva safely descended to the Camp-2.  Dmitry Moskalev and Bartolomey Pachosky stayed overnight at Camp 3. Everyone is resting. Tomorrow they plan to go down to the Base Camp.

Summit! The first members of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club reached the top of K2

Message from RD Studia: There is a K2 summit! Maria Oglobleva, Ekaterina Safronova and high-altitude operator Vladimir Kotlyar just now have climbed to the top of the most difficult eight-thousandth mountain in the world! Good luck to them ... read more

Message from RD Studia: There is a K2 summit! Maria Oglobleva, Ekaterina Safronova and high-altitude operator Vladimir Kotlyar just now have climbed to the top of the most difficult eight-thousandth mountain in the world! Good luck to them on the descent!

A little bit later. Dmitry Moskalev and Bartholomew Pachosky are on top! The weather is getting worse, they are waiting for an unsafe descent. We pray!


The decision was made to go on the assault!  The first two groups went up to Camp-3, the third – to Camp-2. Good luck!

Well, the ascent continued. The first two groups spend the night in Camp-3 (7400), the third – in Camp-2 (6600). The path to Camp 4 has already been trodden and equipped with fixed ropes. Tomorrow, the leading team of Sherpas will continue ... read more

Well, the ascent continued. The first two groups spend the night in Camp-3 (7400), the third – in Camp-2 (6600). The path to Camp 4 has already been trodden and equipped with fixed ropes. Tomorrow, the leading team of Sherpas will continue processing the route in order to reach the top on July 27.

 Lyudmila Korobeshko (Group-3):

They went out to storm, moving to Camp 2 on 6600. There was no good weather for a week. It seems to be getting better now.

Now at lunchtime on July 25, we came to Camp 2 on K2.




Vladimir Kotlyar, high-altitude operator (Group-1):

Today, according to the forecast, there should be bad weather, but to our joy, the forecast has not yet been justified.

At six in the morning, we got out of the tents, put on the crampons and harness, then and climbed up in the hope for the best.

If this weather lasts for four days, then we have every chance. There is a mountain, you have to climb!





Diary of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2. July 24. The third group went up to Camp-1

We haven't waited for good weather yet, but there is still hope. Today our third group went up to Camp-1. And groups 1 and 2 continued to "sit out" in Camp-2. Tomorrow is a key and decisive day - either up or down to rest and wait for ... read more

We haven't waited for good weather yet, but there is still hope. Today our third group went up to Camp-1. And groups 1 and 2 continued to "sit out" in Camp-2.

Tomorrow is a key and decisive day - either up or down to rest and wait for the weather window.

Diary of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2. July 23. Bad weather on K2 everyone stayed in their tents

Bad weather has descended on K2 again. Rain in the base camp, snow along the route. The first and second groups are together in Camp-2, and the third remained in the ABC Camp. While waiting for news. There is a very strong company of ... read more

Bad weather has descended on K2 again. Rain in the base camp, snow along the route. The first and second groups are together in Camp-2, and the third remained in the ABC Camp. While waiting for news. There is a very strong company of Sherpas on the route, whose task is to make a route to the top. And it is possible that they will succeed.



Diary of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the Club 8000on K2. July 22. The third group went on the ascent, the first two are in Camp-2

Today, the final, third group headed by Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko set off on their way to the summit of K2. They will spend the night in the ABC camp and tomorrow they will presumably go up to camp-2. The first and second ... read more

Today, the final, third group headed by Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko set off on their way to the summit of K2. They will spend the night in the ABC camp and tomorrow they will presumably go up to camp-2.

The first and second group are in Camp-2. Everything is fine with them, tomorrow they will go to the Camp-3.

Vladimir Kotlyar, high-altitude operator: We are in the second camp, altitude 6550. The weather is bad, for the second day in a row. A lot of snow has fallen. Yesterday there were several avalanches along the route, but we were not hooked, almost. We are idling in a tent, baiting stories. Tomorrow we will make our way to Camp-3.






The second group of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club on K2 began the ascent

The RD Studio team reports from the base camp: Yesterday, July 21, the second group, consisting of: Maria Oglobleva, Ekaterina Safronova and Bartek. They went out into the rain. And higher it is already snowing. Bad weather again on K2. ... read more

The RD Studio team reports from the base camp: Yesterday, July 21, the second group, consisting of: Maria Oglobleva, Ekaterina Safronova and Bartek. They went out into the rain.  And higher it is already snowing. Bad weather again on K2. The news from the first group is good. They are already in the first camp, the height is 6100 m. They are doing well!  Today, the third group headed by Alexander Abramov is going up.



News of the 7 Summits Club GenKa2 team: all participants and guides went up to the ABC camp

Today, the team of the 7 Summits Club GenKa2 in full force climbed to the ABC camp (altitude -5300 m). They will spend the night there. Everything is fine, everyone feels good. Tomorrow all participants, together with the Sherpas, will ... read more

Today, the team of the 7 Summits Club GenKa2 in full force climbed to the ABC camp (altitude -5300 m). They will spend the night there.  Everything is fine, everyone feels good.

Tomorrow all participants, together with the Sherpas, will move up early in the morning. And at 12:00 they will begin the descent, each from the height that he will take.



Photos by RD Studio (from puja):






The project "Freeride in the death zone". Photos and some details of the descent from Everest on skis by Vitaly Lazo

Everest. On May 21, 2023, an unprecedented event for Russian mountaineering took place: "Snow Leopard", climber Vitaly Lazo became the first Russian to use skis to descend from the highest point of the planet. He started from a height of 8845 ... read more

 On May 21, 2023, an unprecedented event for Russian mountaineering took place: "Snow Leopard", climber Vitaly Lazo became the first Russian to use skis to descend from the highest point of the planet. He started from a height of 8845 meters, which is only three meters below the top.

The ascent, organized by the 7 Summits Club, was made by Vitaly together with the Snow Leopard Anton Pugovkin, his friend of the Freeride in the Death Zone project (climbers storm the highest mountains of the planet, followed by skiing). Everest became the fifth eight-thousandther.

The team climbed on the summit with a special mission, which you can learn about by watching the documentary "Oxygen 2. Everest", which has been shooting for more than three months in partnership with Gazprom-Media Holding and its companies: Central Partnership and Red Media.

On the descent, Vitaly Lazo needed medical help, he was evacuated from Camp 2 to a hospital in Kathmandu. Anton Pugovkin feels well.

⠀Vitaly Lazo (VK): Hello everyone!  Our latest news is on May 22, I was evacuated from a height of 6500 meters to Kathmandu. Now I am in the hospital with a diagnosis of "cerebral edema" ... I am much better... I am on the mend, I will be discharged in a day and on the 26th, in the morning, I already plan to be in Moscow…






The team " Death zone Freeride " starts to climb Mount Everest  

Everest. Anton Pugovkin: There are 44 days of the expedition behind me and we already want to put an end to it. Therefore, after 6 hours we go to Camp 2, at 6300. Then, according to the plan, on the 19th C3 (7100), on the 20th C4 (8100), on the ... read more


Anton Pugovkin:  There are 44 days of the expedition behind me and we already want to put an end to it. Therefore, after 6 hours we go to Camp 2, at 6300. Then, according to the plan, on the 19th C3 (7100), on the 20th C4 (8100), on the night of the 20th to the 21st we go out to storm the summit, well, there's a matter of technique. What we need, yes, in principle, everything is there, except that a little bit of luck definitely won't hurt. See you later!