Providing expeditions
since 2005

Vitaly Lazo and Anton Pugovkin from the group " Death Zone Freeride" descended to the base camp after climb above 7000 meters

Everest. Vitaly Lazo: And again, greetings from the Base Camp at 5300! Yesterday Anton and I came down from Camp 3, from the acclimatization rotation. We also met blue ice, and stones were flying — but everything is fine with us, and we even went ... read more

Vitaly Lazo:  And again, greetings from the Base Camp at 5300! Yesterday Anton and I came down from Camp 3, from the acclimatization rotation. We also met blue ice, and stones were flying — but everything is fine with us, and we even went skiing.

This downhill skiing was the most exciting in our output: fresh snow, good skiing. Tomorrow we are preparing to descend 1 km below, to rest in Pangboche.






The group "Death Zone Freeride" at the puja ceremony.  Next plans – climb to the camp-4!

Everest. Vitaly Lazo: "Today, on April 24, a Puja ceremony (a ritual of receiving the blessing of the gods) took place at the Base Camp — a monk read prayers for more than an hour. Once upon a time I treated this with a laugh, but when ice ... read more

Vitaly Lazo: "Today, on April 24, a Puja ceremony (a ritual of receiving the blessing of the gods) took place at the Base Camp — a monk read prayers for more than an hour. Once upon a time I treated this with a laugh, but when ice discharges occurred near South Annapurna 15 years ago, in which several Koreans died, I began to throw rice towards the future path together with the Sherpas and say: "Om mane padme hum!".

Puja was held, sanctified, we can go to the mountain! Our group will go upstairs tonight. Plan: we go straight to Camp 2 at 6400. Overnight — and climb to Camp 3 at 7100, overnight. On April 27, maybe Anton Pugovkin and I will go higher — from Camp 3 to Camp 4, just one touch — and immediately descend to Base Camp.

Vanya Rodin and Anton Skripachenko will climb up to 6000 meters and immediately go down without spending the night. And Farit will be walking in the lower regions, in the BC area."







The team "Death Zone Freeride" appreciated the quality of the expedition camp of the 7 Summits Club and has already worked in the icefall

Message from April 16. On April 14, the DZF team arrived at the Everest Base Camp. The transfer from Lobuche to EBC took 4 hours. Yesterday we walked along the moraine on which the tent city is located — in fact, the base camp itself. Our ... read more

Message from April 16.

On April 14, the DZF team arrived at the Everest Base Camp. The transfer from Lobuche to EBC took 4 hours. Yesterday we walked along the moraine on which the tent city is located — in fact, the base camp itself.  Our expedition takes place in cooperation with the 7 Summits Club and 8000 Club and that's what Vitaly Lazo tells about the first days in the camp: "The base camp of the 7 Summits Club is a delux level camp! This is the first time I rest under the route in such conditions. To say that I am surprised is to say nothing. Kitchen, recreation area, personal space — tents, sanitary zones, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. To do all this is a lot of work, experience and understanding of the pain points of the expedition participants. Alexa Abramov, bravo!"

 Today Vitaly Lazo and Anton Pugovkin conducted classes for our operators — they taught how to move in crampons, what is the ascent and descent of fixed ropes, and much more. And then we went towards Camp 1, through the Khumbu icefall. Beauty! The team reached the height of 5700 m and returned home to DC, where a 5-star lunch was waiting for everyone.







A new project of the team " Death Zone Freeride" has been launched.  It is for the highest goal - Everest

Everest. Vitaly Lazo and Anton Pugovkin with a small shooting and escort team are scheduled to fly to Lukla tomorrow. And from there start your march to the foot of the highest peak in the World. This year they will work in cooperation with the ... read more

Vitaly Lazo and Anton Pugovkin with a small shooting and escort team are scheduled to fly to Lukla tomorrow. And from there start your march to the foot of the highest peak in the World. This year they will work in cooperation with the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club and the 8000 Club, using our vast experience in organizing and conducting ascents of Mount Everest.  So we will be doubly worried and rooting for these outstanding athletes, wishing them the successful execution of their plans.

 One, two, three: GO! Death Zone Freeride team is pleased to announce the start of the next step of the project: an ascent and following skiing from Everest. Death Zone Freeride is the project of two Snow Leopards, Vitaly Lazo and Anton Pugovkin. On April 4, the team flew to Kathmandu to begin their way to the highest mountain in the world.

⠀During the ascent, a documentary film “Oxygen 2. Everest” will be filmed (with the support of Central Partnership, Red Media and Gazprom-Media Holding).

⠀Follow us on Instagram @deathzonefreeride


The new project is the 8000 Club.  What's it?

Everest. Introducing ourselves: 1. Club 8000 is a closed, elite club of climbers on the highest peaks of the World. 2. Only a person who has climbed on the summit above 8000 meters can become a member of the Club. 3. People who have climbed the ... read more

 Introducing ourselves:

1. Club 8000 is a closed, elite club of climbers on the highest peaks of the World.

2. Only a person who has climbed on the summit above 8000 meters can become a member of the Club.

3. People who have climbed the peaks of 7000m and above can become candidates for Club membership. That's why we support the Snow Leopard project - the best high-altitude mountaineering school.

 The company "Club 8000"

Under the new project, a new organization was created, the company LLC "Club 8000".

Club 8000 is the first company in Russia that implements the most complex and prestigious project for organizing ascents of all 14 eight-thousand-meter peaks.  Every year we plan 5-6 expeditions to the peaks above 8000 meters.  All our expeditions are led by our super qualified high-altitude guides, climbers of Mount Everest, K2 and other eight-thousandth peaks. The company is headed by Alexander Abramov, the most famous leader of Himalayan expeditions in Russia, an authoritative all over the world, an 11-time climber of Mount Everest.

About website

We have opened a new website. On it you will be able to get acquainted with all the climbing programs for 14 eight-thousand-meter and 5 seven-thousand-meter (Snow Leopard).  There will also be an opportunity to register, that is, to become a member of the Club. We will inform you about the progress of our expeditions.

Join the most ambitious and prestigious project "Climbing 14 eight-thousand-meters"!

The 7 Summits Club congratulates you on the International Mountain Day!

Everest. Friends, love the mountains, love nature, go to the mountains! Congratulations on the International Mountain Day! The 7 Summits Club is always ready to help you with travel arrangements. Follow the updates of our programs. Mountains ... read more

Friends, love the mountains, love nature, go to the mountains!  Congratulations on the International Mountain Day! The 7 Summits Club is always ready to help you with travel arrangements. Follow the updates of our programs.  Mountains should give us the happiest moments of our lives, and giving people happiness is our mission.

  If possible, leave the mountains clean after you!  And in general, do everything possible so that the mountains remain (become) a territory of freedom, a territory where you can meet with pristine nature, a place of joyful meeting with friends, a place you want to return to, where you want to bring children, where everyone will be happy!






UNO Official information

Women move mountains

The theme of this year's International Mountain Day (IMD) on 11 December will be Women move mountains.

Women play a key role in mountains' environmental protection and social and economic development. They are often the primary managers of mountain resources, guardians of biodiversity, keepers of traditional knowledge, custodians of local culture, and experts in traditional medicine.

Increasing climate variability, coupled with a lack of investment in mountain agriculture and rural development, has often pushed men to migrate elsewhere in search of alternative livelihoods. Women have therefore taken on many tasks formerly done by men, yet mountain women are often invisible due to a lack of decision-making power and unequal access to resources.

As farmers, market sellers, businesswomen, artisans, entrepreneurs, and community leaders, mountain women and girls, in particular in rural areas, have the potential to be major agents of change. When rural women have access to resources, services, and opportunities, they become a driving force against hunger, malnutrition, and rural poverty and are active in the development of mountain economies.

International Mountain Day 2022 is an opportunity to promote gender equality and therefore contribute to improving social justice, livelihoods and resilience. 

Get to know more about women in mountains and use FAO's, communication materials in all six UN languages, which are available on their website.

While Women move mountains is the suggested theme for 2022, countries, communities, and organizations are welcome to celebrate IMD through a theme that is more relevant to them.

Celebrate this International Day 2022 with your community and friends preparing an event or joining the conversation on social media using the hashtag #MountainsMatter. Pass on some of the key messages, or share about the important role of women in mountains, or post, or a photo of your favorite mountain.


Natural jewels we should treasure

Mountains are home to 15% of the world´s population and host about half of the world's biodiversity hotspots. They provide freshwater for everyday life to half of humanity. Their conservation is a key factor for sustainable development and is part of Goal 15 of the SDGs.

Unfortunately, mountains are under threat from climate change and overexploitation. As the global climate continues to warm, mountain people — some of the world’s poorest — face even greater struggles to survive. The rising temperatures also mean that mountain glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates, affecting freshwater supplies downstream for millions of people.

This problem affects us all. We must reduce our carbon footprint and take care of these natural treasures.

The increasing attention to the importance of mountains led the UN to declare to 2002 the UN International Year of Mountains. The first international day was celebrated for the first time the following year, 2003.

Its roots date back to 1992, when the document “Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Sustainable Mountain Development” (called Chapter 13), was adopted as part of the action plan Agenda 21 of the Conference on Environment and Development.

Most recently, the UN proclaimed 2022 the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development



Guides and managers of the 7 Summits Club have passed the most beautiful route in Arkhyz: The Big Ring of Sofia Lakes

The corporative tour of the guides and managers of the 7 Summits Club to Arkhyz turned out to be extremely successful in terms of the weather. Like the day before, today was sunny, warm unseasonably. We just returned to summer and got full ... read more

The corporative tour of the guides and managers of the 7 Summits Club to Arkhyz turned out to be extremely successful in terms of the weather. Like the day before, today was sunny, warm unseasonably. We just returned to summer and got full satisfaction from a long, tedious and fabulously beautiful route.  In turn, all the lakes of the Sofia necklace - the emerald pearls of Arkhyz were visited. Thanks to our wonderful guides Evgeny Fedyunin and Dmitry Semenov! Thanks to everyone who drove and waited for us!  Our journey took seven and a half hours and ended just after dark. It was the right thing! On all agenda items…































Thank you all! On the party of the meeting of friends of the 7 Summits Club was successful, we were glad to see you all

Yesterday, a big meeting of friends of the 7 Summits Club took place in the lecture hall of the Sports Marathon Travelers Club. The program included the presentation of Alexander Abramov's book "The Height-Altitude Gene" and the first ... read more

  Yesterday, a big meeting of friends of the 7 Summits Club took place in the lecture hall of the Sports Marathon Travelers Club.  The program included the presentation of Alexander Abramov's book "The Height-Altitude  Gene" and the first ever presentation of orders “Seven Summits”.  The hall was crowded, and everyone showed great interest in what was happening "on stage".  The procedure for awarding orders has turned into a solemn presentation of outstanding personalities, such are the heroes, the climbers of all "Seven Summits".   

 The Order of the Seven Summits is an honorary award to climbers who have climbed the highest peaks of all seven continents of our planet. In total, there are almost half a thousand people who have completed it.  There are already about fifty of them in the list of Russians. The first number in it is the famous Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov, who completed the program back in 1997.

  The presentation of the badge of honor, which is called the order, is a long-standing idea of the president of the 7 Summits Club company, Alexander Abramov, who, by the way, has already completed the program three times. Finally, the idea that the climbers of the "SevenSummits" are worthy of a separate award has been brought to life.  And the heroes who have passed through all continents, climbed to their highest peaks, received a beautiful order!  The 7 Summits Club plans to make the solemn procedure of awarding the Seven Summits Orders traditional. After all, the award can only be received in person, not everyone could be in Moscow that evening. Well, we are waiting for new heroes, the mountains are calling and waiting for us!

 The list of climbers who received the order (themselves or through family representatives):

Konyukhov Fyodor

Moskalev Dmitry

Abramov Alexander

Korobeshko Lyudmila

Bobok Victor

Ashurli Israfil

Larin Sergey

Kofanov Sergey  

Prinzyuk Igor

Turovsky Mikhail

Podolyan Andrey

Sokov Dmitry

Simonovich Vitaly

Filkov Andrey

Kadochin Igor

Dudko Sergey

Krasnov Dmitry

Dmitriev Sergey

Kravt Evgeny

Bautin Alexey

Balakin Alexey

Tertychny Alexander

Tertychny Dmitry

Sadetsky George

Belkovich Vladimir

Semeshkin Kirill

Lachkarev Vladislav

Popov  Alexander

Rostovtsev Artem

Zisman Irina

Gurgov Yuri.

































































































Lakpa Sherpa – there is the 10th ascent to the summit of Mount Everest!

Everest. This morning Lakpa Sherpa climbed on the top of Mount Everest and became the first woman to do it for the 10th time! She simply has no competitors. Lakpa is our old friend, a participant of several of our expeditions. She is the sister of ... read more

This morning Lakpa Sherpa climbed on the top of Mount Everest and became the first woman to do it for the 10th time!  She simply has no competitors.  Lakpa is our old friend, a participant of several of our expeditions. She is the sister of our sirdar, the representative of the 7 Summits Club in Nepal Mingma Gelu.  However, in expeditions Lakpa always works according to its own program. This is especially true of the current one, in which she is accompanied by a small film crew from the USA. Recently, Lakpa managed to "break through the wall", that is, to get to American sponsors. So now it will be necessary to report.

 By the way, Lakpa plans to climb K2 in the summer to "enter the history of mountaineering," as she claims. And there, I think, it will be necessary to add the "Seven summits". We will wait on Elbrus!












The Sherpa team of the 7 Summits Club is ready to leave for the preparation of the base camp and the route of climbing Everest. Photos from Nepal

Everest. At the end of March, work begins on the installation of base camps on Everest, processing the route of ascent. The Icefall Doctors have already arrived at the base camp and started work. The team of Sherpas of the 7 Summits Club, led by our ... read more

At the end of March, work begins on the installation of base camps on Everest, processing the route of ascent. The Icefall Doctors have already arrived at the base camp and started work. The team of Sherpas of the 7 Summits Club, led by our permanent sirdar Mingma Gelu, gathered in Kathmandu before leaving for Lukla, which is scheduled for March 25. The shipment of goods is being completed, but there is still a lot of work to be done in the preparatory period. And from the photos it is felt that our Nepalese friends, our partners, are looking forward to the start of the expedition with great impatience.






Our Lyudmila has no equal in the whole world! There are three times on the "Seven Summits" - a world record! Not the first one, by the way

Vinson. Having climbed the summit of the Vinson Massif, Lyudmila Korobeshko fulfilled the norm of the "Seven Summits" program for the third time, ascents on the highest peaks of all continents. Actually, not even two times has any woman in the ... read more

 Having climbed the summit of the Vinson Massif, Lyudmila Korobeshko fulfilled the norm of the "Seven Summits" program for the third time, ascents on the highest peaks of all continents.   Actually, not even two times has any woman in the world done it. So the advantage in this game of the director of the 7 Summits Club  is absolute!  And there are only a few men with such an achievement. Let's add two poles on skis, two more eight-thousand-meter Cho-Oyo and Manaslu, seven-thousand-meters peaks, six of the seven volcanoes, Mount Kosciusko, climbing and trekking around the world. And the management of the company and the family. At the same time, natural beauty and intelligence, the ability to learn, charm, a unique husband and a talented son.

Lyuda is a real hero of Russia!  She is worthy of the memory of her grandfather, the Hero of the Great Patriotic War Miron Korobeshko!

We are proud of you! Your 7 Summits Club.












Photos from beautiful women, participants of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club to Antarctica. The group "PingVinson" or "Vinson-2"

Vinson. Three beautiful women, participants of our expedition from the team "PingVinson" or "Vinson-2" published photos on social networks. Thanks to Larisa Gorbacheva, Lilia Kovalenko and Daniel Wolfson! read more

Three beautiful women, participants of our expedition from the team "PingVinson" or "Vinson-2" published photos on social networks.  Thanks to Larisa Gorbacheva, Lilia Kovalenko and Daniel Wolfson!


































The 7 Summits Club wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The 7 Summits Club wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! In the coming year we wish you good luck, always to be in an excellent physical shape and to stay true to yourself! Continue dreaming about impossible! The 7 Summits Club ... read more


The 7 Summits Club wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

In the coming year we wish you good luck, always to be in an excellent physical shape and to stay true to yourself! Continue dreaming about impossible! The 7 Summits Club will help to make all your dreams come true, the dreams of climbing the most fabulous peaks of the world.

We wish you new summits and new adventures in 2022!

A new Boeing flight to Antarctica has brought a new group of the 7 Summits Club

South Pole. In the morning, Union Glacier gave permission and ALE's Boeing successfully flew to Antarctica. On board a comfortable plane, there was a group of "Brothers", consisting of 5 people, which went to the Ice Continent. At the Union Glacier ... read more

In the morning, Union Glacier gave permission and ALE's Boeing successfully flew to Antarctica. On board a comfortable plane, there was a group of "Brothers", consisting of 5 people, which went to the Ice Continent. At the Union Glacier base, they should join with four more participants of the Vinson Massif ascent and together go skiing to the South Pole under the "Last Degree" program. Also, two participants of the expedition to the highest volcano of Antarctica, Mount Sidley, representing the 7 Summits Club, arrived in Antarctica on this flight.

In general, in the 2021/22 season, the 7 Summits Club has 4 large groups on the Vinson Massif and one group on the ski South Pole. There are 42 participants and 7 guides in total. The season is hard, after last year's break, but interesting!









The group of the 7 Summits Club "Brothers" is ready to fly to Antarctica

South Pole. Elena Abramova, manager of the 7 Summits Club, from Chile (Punta Arenas): Good evening! Elena Abramova has been broadcasting from “the end of the world”. The team "Brothers", the program "Last degree" on skis to the South Pole, finally ... read more

Elena Abramova, manager of the 7 Summits Club, from Chile (Punta Arenas):  Good evening!  Elena Abramova has been broadcasting from “the end of the world”. The team "Brothers", the program "Last degree" on skis to the South Pole, finally gathered together. They are ready to go to Antarctica!



In the picture, the group members, guides of our Nepali programs Tashi Lakpa, Mingma Sherpa and Chhang Dawa Sherpa. Elite Nepalese climbers are planning to add ‘Seven summits” and “Two poles” to the collection of 14 eight-thousand-meter peaks in the near future.




The participants of the first group of the 7 Summits Club (Vinson-1) returned to the Mainland. Congratulations to our Indian friends!

Vinson. Among the first climbers of the season at the highest point of Antarctica were climbers from the 7 Summits Club group with a guide Artem Rostovtsev. It was a very difficult ascent, especially the descent in bad weather. Artem has already ... read more

Among the first climbers of the season at the highest point of Antarctica were climbers from the 7 Summits Club group with a guide Artem Rostovtsev. It was a very difficult ascent, especially the descent in bad weather. Artem has already started working with the next group, and the three participants have safely reached Punta Arenas. There they were met by the manager of the 7 Summits Club Elena Abramova.   These are three elite Indian climbers from the legendary Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in Darjeeling. At one time, this organization was created by Jawaharlal Nehru personally under Tenzing Norgay, after his first ascent of Everest. The current director of the institute, Jai Kishan, was in the group. He is famous, first of all, as an outstanding parachutist (2000 jumps) who made a jump over Everest. Jai officially has 6 world records. With him in the expedition was an instructor of the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute Mordunya Soumendu and a young climber Mahender Kumar Yadav.  Congratulations!






The Everest Blitz is not about a speed record! But you will be able to get acquainted with the record holders

Everest. How fast can you climb Mount Everest? This general question is divided into two. How fast can you climb from the base camp to the top? And – how quickly you can climb to the top from the beginning of the expedition. We are talking about ... read more

 How fast can you climb Mount Everest? This general question is divided into two. How fast can you climb from the base camp to the top?  And – how quickly you can climb to the top from the beginning of the expedition. We are talking about records, and not about them. The program of the 7 Summits Club "Blitz" is not about records. This is expediency and rationality. One of the solutions to the problem: "there is a desire to climb Mount Everest – there is no way to spend two months on an expedition"…



And the record holders… You will be able to meet them at the base camp. Karl Egloff and Marc Batard plan to set new achievements for 2022, and for Sherpa Kami Rita, records are the main job.



Proposals of the 7 Summits Club, Everest Expedition 2022. Leader Alex Abramov.


This is American Roxanne Gonzalez Vogel.

Her record is unofficial. Perhaps one of the climbers could prove that he was on the expedition for a shorter period. For example, someone flew over from another eight-thousandth and already acclimatized went to the mountain. Or someone even lives in the Khumbu Valley and, after leaving home, only stopped at the base camp for a day. Records of the shortness of stay in the expedition are still a novelty.

 But Roxanne (Roxy) showed the whole world the action of a program similar to our "Blitz". Even much shorter - 14 days from home to home in California.

 (1) The program is available for well-trained people. Roxy has been doing sports all her life, professionally - sports nutrition. She runs ultra-marathons at a competitive level.

 (2) The program is available for those who already know their body's reaction to altitude. Roxy has been climbing for many years. She went, in particular, to Denali and Aconcagua, dozens of routes in the mountains of the USA. And just before Everest, Roxy visited South America, where she climbed three five-thousand meters in Ecuador in five days and on Ojos del Salado in just five days (from home to home).

 (3) But the most important thing is that the program includes long-term training at home. The training consists of regular prolonged sleep in a specially equipped, so-called hypoxic tent.  Nitrogen is pumped into it by a special generator and an atmosphere similar to high-altitude conditions is created.



Alex Abramov on the air about the Everest expedition and the Blitz program.




Record holders, who can be found at the base camp.

 Kami Rita will be 52 years old, he has climbed to the top of the World 25 times.



Karl Egloff aims to set speed records on all the "seven summits".  There are four of them in his collection: Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro and Elbrus. An Ecuadorian Swiss or Swiss Ecuadorian hopes that nothing will prevent him from fighting time on the slopes of Mount Everest this year.

 Marc Batard

Karl Egloff intends to break the record of this Frenchman. In 1988, Mark ran from base camp to the summit of Mount Everest in 22.5 hours.  Several Sherpas walked much faster, but they all used oxygen tanks. And the Batar climbed without the use of additional (artificial) oxygen.  The 69-year-old Frenchman returned to Everest this year to find and equip a way bypassing of the Khumbu icefall.  Already in the mountains he celebrated his 70th birthday. And in 2022, he plans to officially open this path and climb to the top again without oxygen. And thus set an age record for oxygen-free ascent. It belongs so far to the Italian guide Abele Blanc - 55 years old.

The solemn presentation of the honorary badges " Everest Summiter" will take place on November 20

Everest. According to the tradition, the awarding of the honorary badge " Everest Summiter" to climbers who climbed the highest peak of the World for the first time in 2021 will take place at the gala evening of the Russian Mountaineering ... read more

According to the tradition, the awarding of the honorary badge " Everest Summiter" to climbers who climbed the highest peak of the World for the first time in 2021 will take place at the gala evening of the Russian Mountaineering Federation.  This award was invented by Alexander Abramov and he will personally present its.



The annual gala evening of the RMF will take place on November 20.

It will be held at the Palace of Culture of MIIT. Address: Moscow, Novosushchevsky lane, 6 p.1.



In the framework of the gala evening also there will be held:

-  awarding of the Champions of Russia in the high-altitude and high-altitude-technical classes;

-  awarding  of the Champions among veterans;

- presentation of nominees and  awarding of Steel angel Award  for the best women's climbing of the year;

-  presentation of nominees and awarding of the Golden ice axe of Russia 2017 Award for the best climbing achievement of the year.




VIDEO. How the team of managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club climbed the Via Ferrata route in the Crimea!

On September 24, managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club, as part of a corporate trip, climbed the crest of the Ilyas-Kaya along the via Ferrata route. It was a memorable adventure, from which all its participants enjoyed and got a good ... read more

 On September 24, managers and guides of the 7 Summits Club, as part of a corporate trip, climbed the crest of the Ilyas-Kaya  along the via Ferrata route. It was a memorable adventure, from which all its participants enjoyed and got a good dose of adrenaline. For many participants, it was the first experience of being on the rocks of such dizzying steepness. Thanks to the authors of the route and guides!


Summits!  The group of the 7 Summits Club "Victoria" climbed Elbrus in harsh conditions

Elbrus. Dmitry Semenov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from the Elbrus region: Today (August 13), a group of the 7 Summits Club under the modest name "Victoria" climbed the Western peak of Mount Elbrus. read more

 Dmitry Semenov, guide of the 7 Summits Club from the Elbrus region:  Today (August 13), a group of the 7 Summits Club under the modest name "Victoria" climbed the Western peak of Mount Elbrus.