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since 2005

The final report on the ascent of Kilimanjaro by the 7 Summits Climbing Club group

So our great African adventure on Kilimanjaro has come to an end. In the last days of the ascent, we sometimes had no connection, sometimes we didn't have time at all. Now that we're down in the plain, we can exhale and tell you ... read more

So our great African adventure on Kilimanjaro has come to an end. In the last days of the ascent, we sometimes had no connection, sometimes we didn't have time at all.
Now that we're down in the plain, we can exhale and tell you everything.

After climbing to the Kibo camp at an altitude of 4,700 meters, we began to acclimatize. We spent the night and the whole day there, during which we took a short walk around the neighborhood. All the time in the camp we were being buffeted by the incessant very strong wind. It seemed that a little more and not only the tents would fly away, but also the houses. They say that such a wind has not been seen on Kilimanjaro for a long time.
But you can't scare us with the wind. Therefore, as planned, after the day at 4700 at night we went out to climb.

Slowly, to the songs of local guides, we climbed to the edge of the crater. And by dawn they went up there. After that, we continued along the crater to the top. And by eight in the morning, the whole group had reached the highest point in Africa.
Then there was a long descent to Kibo camp. And then - to the Horombo camp, where the farewell ceremony with the team took place the next day. It was a little sad that everything ended so quickly, but I really wanted to take a hot shower.

Therefore, without delaying the ceremony, saying goodbye, we went down the valley. Twenty kilometers of scenic road is the perfect end to a journey. A little battered, burned, but happy, we went down to the gates of the national park, from where our journey began a week ago.
And in the evening there was a farewell dinner with the presentation of commemorative awards to all participants of the trip.Saying goodbye, everyone has already started planning a new trip.
The guides Olga Rumyantseva, Boris Egorov and the Amasing group were with you.




























SUMMIT! A short message from the 7 Summits Club group, who climbed to the highest point in Africa

Kilimanjaro. Short news, details tomorrow. Hurray! Everyone who went out at night to climb, admired the views from the top of Kilimanjaro in the morning. The way up was not easy for us, but everyone coped. Guides Boris Egorov and Olga Rumyantseva. read more

Short news, details tomorrow. Hurray! Everyone who went out at night to climb, admired the views from the top of Kilimanjaro in the morning. The way up was not easy for us, but everyone coped. Guides Boris Egorov and Olga Rumyantseva.








The group of the 7 Summits Club spent an acclimatization day in the area of the Horombo camp on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Greetings to all from Tanzania from the Amazing group! Today we had a great, half-relaxing day. Waking up in the morning, everyone was surprised and delighted to admire the blanket of clouds below us. And those who were not too lazy to ... read more

 Greetings to all from Tanzania from the Amazing group!  Today we had a great, half-relaxing day. Waking up in the morning, everyone was surprised and delighted to admire the blanket of clouds below us.  And those who were not too lazy to leave their homes at night could watch the incredible starry sky. After breakfast, we went for a short scenic walk to Zebra Rocks - black and white rock massive. In four hours we gained and dropped 400 meters, which is very good for acclimatization. And we saw a lot of beautiful things, which is just good.

At the camp, we were greeted with songs and dances. The ceremony of getting to know the team was held cheerfully. They sang songs, we danced. Tomorrow we will have a big march to the assault camp.

Guides Boris Egorov and Olga Rumyantseva.














The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" went down after climbing Kilimanjaro and completed the program

Kilimanjaro. Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Rafiki Jumbo! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" went through the jungle and threw off 2 km of vertical. On the descent, lunch was waiting for us and the ... read more

Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Rafiki Jumbo! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" went through the jungle and threw off 2 km of vertical. On the descent, lunch was waiting for us and the long-awaited restoration of the water-alkaline balance with a local beer called Kilimanjaro! In the evening there will be an award ceremony and "demob" speeches on the mountain and about future plans. Good luck to everyone!










The group of the 7 Summits Club climbed to the Horombo camp on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Having covered more than 20 kilometers and 2 kilometers vertically in two days, with songs and endless conversations about everything in the world, we reached the Horombo camp. The weather is incredible, not a drop of moisture! And here we ... read more

 Having covered more than 20 kilometers and 2 kilometers vertically in two days, with songs and endless conversations about everything in the world, we reached the Horombo camp. The weather is incredible, not a drop of moisture! And here we are, like the gods of Olympus, soaring above the clouds and enjoying the views for kilometers ahead. In general, all participants are in good condition. Yes, there is an influence of height and for many these sensations are new, but everyone copes perfectly. Tonight is the night at a new altitude, 3700m. And tomorrow is an easy day with a short walk.

Guides Boris Egorov and Olga Rumyantseva.






















Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" made a successful ascent to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Jambo Rafiki! Today, the Power Rangers group of the 7 Summits Club ascended Uhuru Peak 5895 m, the highest point of the Kilimanjaro massif, at a very brisk pace! It ... read more

Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

 Jambo Rafiki! Today, the Power Rangers group of the 7 Summits Club ascended Uhuru Peak 5895 m, the highest point of the Kilimanjaro massif, at a very brisk pace! It took us less than 6 hours to reach the summit and 2.5 hours to descend to the assault camp. There we took a little nap and went down to the moorland zone, to the Millennium camp, at an altitude of 3800m.

Pleasant fatigue and thoughts of tomorrow's delights of civilization! We did it!!!

Good luck to everyone!









A new group of the 7 Summits Club arrived in Tanzania and began climbing Kilimanjaro with a date with wild animals

Kilimanjaro. A new adventure of the 7 Summits Club in Tanzania has begun today. And not as usual with a rest after the flight, but immediately with a full immersion in a new world. We went on safari right from the plane and it turned out to be a great ... read more

 A new adventure of the 7 Summits Club in Tanzania has begun today. And not as usual with a rest after the flight, but immediately with a full immersion in a new world. We went on safari right from the plane and it turned out to be a great idea! We took a walk in nature, watched giraffes, wild boars, baboons and colobuses very closely, and buffaloes watched us and munched menacingly. And when we finally got to the hotel, we were surrounded by Maasai, dressed up in their clothes, and we participated in their national dances. Then, as usual: the bustle of checking equipment, a briefing, gifts from the 7 Summits Club and answers to all questions. And at the end of the day, a gala dinner with a surprise: an invited jazz band set the mood especially for us. So, with good impressions and anticipation, we went to rest. Tomorrow we will have the first day of trekking to the summit of the highest mountain in Africa – Kilimanjaro.

Guides Boris Egorov and Olga Rumyantseva.















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" passed the Barranco Wall and reached the Karanga camp

Kilimanjaro. Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Jumbo Rafiki! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" started the morning with morning exercises, everyone liked the format of such an awakening! After ... read more

Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

 Jumbo Rafiki!  The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" started the morning with morning exercises, everyone liked the format of such an awakening! After breakfast, we had to storm the Barranco Wall, which always scares at the first sight of it. But coming closer, everything is not so scary and quite passable. Then we crossed two valleys, on the slopes of which you could see the effects of a large fire. It occurred as a result of careless handling of fire. After that, there is now a categorical ban on tourists in the National Park for the presence of any fire!

By lunchtime we were already at Karanga camp 4030m. After eating, we went for a walk a little up the hill to sleep better! And at the dinner, Anatoly was congratulated on his Birthday!

Now we are resting and preparing for the final throw - going to the assault camp and climbing!

Good luck to everyone!











The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" passed the longest segment of the route of climbing the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Jumbo Rafiki! News of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" group. Today we passed the most difficult day of trekking, climbing the Lava Tower 4640m and descending to ... read more

Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Jumbo Rafiki! News of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" group. Today we passed the most difficult day of trekking, climbing the Lava Tower 4640m and descending to the Barranco wall 3900m. The height makes itself felt, there are signs of a headache, but everything is within normal limits! A wonderful lunch, watermelons for dessert, the stunning valley of senecia (grass palms) on the descent, and the view of the Barranco wall, where we have to climb tomorrow - ALL this filled the brain, even to the stingy male tears.  And the availability of free Wi-Fi in the camp was completely amazing... Now it's dinner and a well-deserved rest!

Good luck to everyone!










The group of the 7 Summits Club "Power Rangers" went on the route and climbed to the Camp-1 of the Machame route on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Jambo Rafiki! Our group, which took the name "Power Rangers", today went on the Machame route or "Whiskey Route"! All day we walked in the equatorial jungle and ... read more

Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Jambo Rafiki! Our group, which took the name "Power Rangers", today went on the Machame route or "Whiskey Route"! All day we walked in the equatorial jungle and admired the exotic vegetation. And when we arrived at the Machame camp at an altitude of 2900m, we discovered the main peak of Kibo, Uhuru peak 5895m!
Our path along the "southern circumnavigation" leads exactly there! Everyone feels great, and so does their appetite. Good luck to everyone!







A new group of the 7 Summits Club has arrived in Tanzania to climb the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Jumbo Rafiki! A new group of the 7 Summits Club, the name of which is still being discussed, flew to the foot of Kilimanjaro today to do trekking and climb the summit ... read more

Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Jumbo Rafiki! A new group of the 7 Summits Club, the name of which is still being discussed, flew to the foot of Kilimanjaro today to do trekking and climb the summit along the Machame route! The day flew by in solving organizational issues, checking equipment and a little relaxation in the park of the Aisha hotel. We will start the route tomorrow! Good luck to everyone!







Summit!  The “Space group” of the 7 Summits Club made a successful ascent on the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania: March 13th. Greetings from Africa! This morning, our Space Team climbed on the summit of Kilimanjaro - Uhuru Peak! It was not easy - the wind and cold, but the views from ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania:

 March 13th. Greetings from Africa! This morning, our Space Team climbed on the summit of Kilimanjaro - Uhuru Peak! It was not easy - the wind and cold, but the views from the top and the fact that we managed to overcome themselves paid off all the difficulties.

At the top, we opened a bottle of champagne and photographed Klim's book (we also did not forget to take pictures of ourselves). Already in the Kosovo camp, we were hit by hail, but this did not overshadow the joy of victory.

Now we have gone down to the Millennium. We wash off and eat off. We're going back to civilization tomorrow.







The Space group of the 7 Summits Club passed the Lava Tower and reached Barranco Camp on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko, Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania: Greetings from Africa! From Barranco camp at 3900m on the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Space Group! Yesterday we made the trek to the Shira Cave camp. On the way, we ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, Super-guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania:

Greetings from Africa!  From Barranco camp at 3900m on the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Space Group! Yesterday we made the trek to the Shira Cave camp. On the way, we met two species of African mice, a dozen brazen white-necked ravens and many endemic plants. An evening of song and dance was held in the camp before dinner. Our Tanzanian team sang to us in Swahili, and we answered them with Katusha. Everyone was satisfied.

We had dinner with borscht with garlic and all sorts of pickles, went to bed early, because the next day there was a long walk ahead.

The morning of March 10 greeted us with a stunning sunrise and fragrant Ethiopian coffee (thoughtfully purchased at the transfer in Addis Ababa). We started at about 9 a.m. in parallel with our friends, the "26 Baku commissars" (a large group of Kenyan climbers).

After 3 hours of climbing, a tea point was set up. An hour later we had lunch near the Lava Tower at 4600.

After lunch, we started to descend towards the camp. The rain scared us at first, but it stopped quickly. On the way, we arranged a photo shoot with incredibly beautiful thickets of senecia. We went down to Barranco's camp almost at 6 pm. Tomorrow we will storm the Barranco Wall. Getting ready - sharpening ice axes, checking platforms (joke). In fact, we are taking a shower (partially) and plan to drink some white at dinner.












The Space group of the 7 Summits Club ascended on March 8 to the Machame camp on Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Lyudmila Korobeshko, à guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania: Greetings from Africa! From the Machame camp at 3000m on the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Space Group! Yesterday we started our ascent of Kilimanjaro. During the first ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, à guide of the 7 Summits Club from Tanzania:

Greetings from Africa! From the Machame camp at 3000m on the slopes of Kilimanjaro from the Space Group!  Yesterday we started our ascent of Kilimanjaro. During the first day, we reached the Machame camp at an altitude of 3000. On the way, we got soaked through under a tropical downpour. But by sunset, the downpour had stopped. So we had a chance to admire both the sunset and the stars. Today we go further, at 3900, to the Shira camp.






The group of the 7 Summits Club "Puppy Patrol", despite fatigue, descended from the summit of Kilimanjaro with songs and dances

Kilimanjaro. Kristina Putintseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: The Puppy Patrol group descended from the slopes of Kilimanjaro on February 20. The descent was long, but fast. We rejoiced, sang songs that even the climbers ... read more

Kristina Putintseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:
The Puppy Patrol group descended from the slopes of Kilimanjaro on February 20. The descent was long, but fast. We rejoiced, sang songs that even the climbers passing by applauded and danced to us. In the evening we were already at the hotel, where we found our heroes. Everyone received certificates and medals for climbing to the highest point of the continent! We also shared with each other our impressions and emotions about our journey.
Guides Evgeny Fedyunin and Kristina Putintseva.




Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Puppy Patrol" climbed the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Greetings from the highest point of the continent from the group "Puppy Patrol"! We made the ascent with the full complement of 9 participants and 2 guides and are now descending from the top. We'll send you the details later when we get to ... read more


Greetings from the highest point of the continent from the group "Puppy Patrol"! We made the ascent with the full complement of 9 participants and 2 guides and are now descending from the top. We'll send you the details later when we get to the camp. Guides Evgeny Fedyunin and Kristina Putintseva.






The group of the 7 Summits Club "Puppy Patrol" has climbed up to the assault camp and is preparing to storm the summit of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Kristina Putintseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: The Puppy Patrol group sends greetings to everyone from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! Today we overcame the difficult path from Karanga camp to Barafu, and then ... read more

Kristina Putintseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

 The Puppy Patrol group sends greetings to everyone from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! Today we overcame the difficult path from Karanga camp to Barafu, and then climbed higher, to the Kosovo camp. After a hearty lunch, we discussed plans for the upcoming night, as we have a long climb to the highest point of the African continent ahead of us. We have to overcome more than 1000 meters of altitude. Therefore, after completing the preparations, we go early to recuperate in our sleep.

Guides Evgeny Fedyunin and Kristina Putintseva.









The group of the 7 Summits Club "Puppy Patrol" passed Barranco Wall and climbed to the Karanga camp on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Kristina Putintseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Jumbo, Rafiki! Which means, "Hello, Friends!" Today we overcame the beautiful Barranco wall, strolled through the stunning valleys, enjoying the stone-desert, ... read more

Kristina Putintseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Jumbo, Rafiki! Which means, "Hello, Friends!" Today we overcame the beautiful Barranco wall, strolled through the stunning valleys, enjoying the stone-desert, then grassy-green landscapes.

After a delicious hearty lunch, we went for a walk to gain some more altitude. In the evening, we have planned gatherings with board games and discussion of tomorrow's plans. Guides Evgeny Fedyunin and Kristina Putintseva.








The group of the 7 Summits Club "Puppy Patrol" passed the Lava Tower and descended to Barranco camp on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Kristina Putintseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, sends from Tanzania: Greetings from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! Today, the Puppy Patrol group made a long and exciting journey from the Shire camp to the Lava Tower, where we had a ... read more

Kristina Putintseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, sends from Tanzania:

Greetings from the slopes of Kilimanjaro! Today, the Puppy Patrol group made a long and exciting journey from the Shire camp to the Lava Tower, where we had a delicious lunch. Next, we went to the camp under the Barranco wall. On the way, we enjoyed incredible landscapes and strange but beautiful plants, took pictures, and sang songs…

The trek was not easy for us, but everyone coped, now we are replenishing our strength with a hearty delicious dinner. Guides Evgeny Fedyunin and Kristina Putintseva.











The group of the 7 Summits Club moved up to the camp on the Shira plateau on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro. Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: The Puppy Patrol group of the 7 Summits Club moved to the Shira Plateau at 3800 today. The whole team feels great. We had a wonderful lunch waiting for us. Now we have ... read more

Evgeny Fedyunin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

 The Puppy Patrol group of the 7 Summits Club moved to the Shira Plateau at 3800 today. The whole team feels great. We had a wonderful lunch waiting for us. Now we have a walk around the Shira Plateau. Guides Kristina Putintseva and Evgeny Fedyunin.