Providing expeditions
since 2005

Watch the new film about climbing Everest. "The Man who always wanted more" part 4

Everest. The premiere of the fourth series of the film "The Man who always wanted more" was held today on YouTube channel RD Studio.   This is the story of climbing Mount Everest  by Vasily Shakhnovsky as part of the expedition of the ... read more

The premiere of the fourth series of the film "The Man who always wanted more" was held today on YouTube channel RD Studio.   This is the story of climbing Mount Everest  by Vasily Shakhnovsky as part of the expedition of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of Alexander Abramov.

 RD Studio: Hundreds of hours of grueling training, thousands of meters of climbing up, 3 very difficult peaks behind, and all this in order to make your name in the book of stories of climbing the highest mountain in the World. Vasily Shakhnovsky was 60 years old. And he's going to Everest!











A new large-scale project from the 7 Summit Club: Our 14 eight-thousands!

Manaslu. The 7 Summits Club is a growing and creative company. We are always open to new ideas and always ready to open new projects. Today we are announcing our project of climbing all 14 eight-thousanders. Our groups will try to deploy the club's ... read more

The 7 Summits Club is a growing and creative company. We are always open to new ideas and always ready to open new projects. Today we are announcing our project of climbing all 14 eight-thousanders. Our groups will try to deploy the club's flags on all the highest mountains of the world. In the near future we plan expeditions to Manaslu, Everest from the South and North, Lhotse, Makalu, in the summer of 2020 to Gasherbrum-2 and even K2.



Plans of climbing the eight-thousanders by expeditions the 7 summits Club. 2019 -2020


September 2019


 Manaslu (8156), Nepal. The tour-leaders Sergei Larin and Lyudmila Korobeshko.



April – May 2020


Lhotse (8516m) + Everest (8848m) from the South - leader Vladimir Kotlyar.


Makalu (8462m, Nepal) – leader Artem Rostovtsev.


Everest (8848m, Tibet) from the North - leader Alexander Abramov.


July 2020


Gasherbrum II (8035m, Pakistan)


K2 (8611m, Pakistan)


September 2020


Cho-Oyu – leader Sergey Larin.





Our expeditions are served by our well-trained team of Sherpas, proven high-altitude guides and well-trained in the provision of camping services. With the ideal organization of expeditions, members have a great chance to achieve success, to reach the summit. Climb all 14 eight-thousand - no longer a fantastic dream, but it can be quite a real goal.

Week summary

Elbrus. Last week our friends from RD Studio pleased us with the first two series of the film "The Man who always wanted more".  The main character – Vasily Shakhnovsky, who as part of the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club  climbed ... read more

Last week our friends from RD Studio pleased us with the first two series of the film "The Man who always wanted more".  The main character – Vasily Shakhnovsky, who as part of the expeditions of the 7 Summits Club  climbed Everest and performed the program "Seven Summits". Part 1 – MT. Kazbek. Part 2 – Manaslu. Complete our video news new film by Eugene Lesnitsky. This time about adventures in mountains of the USA.

In the mountains, meanwhile, our programs continue on a broad front. Elbrus is breaking all records of popularity,  after successful  climbs  last week, to new a week from 7 Summits Club came three groups. Sergei Larin with a group of fathers and sons climbed Kilimanjaro, and Vladimir Kotlyar with his group made acclimatization rotation on the slopes of Khan Tengri.

Good luck in the mountains!


The first film of the series "The Man who always wanted more" is dedicated to the ascent of the hero on Mount Kazbek with a group of the 7  Summits Club

  The first of the four parts of the film "The Man who always wanted more" is available on YouTube channel RD Studio.   Vasily Shakhnovsky climbs Mount Kazbek together with friends and guides of the 7 Summits Club:   ... read more


The first of the four parts of the film "The Man who always wanted more" is available on YouTube channel RD Studio.   Vasily Shakhnovsky climbs Mount Kazbek together with friends and guides of the 7 Summits Club:




The premiere of the second part will be held on Sunday, August 11 at 16-00. This time the expedition set out to conquer Mount Manaslu, one of the most beautiful and dangerous mountains of Nepal.

The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov received the commemorative medal for the world record at the South Pole

South Pole. On January 12, an unusual event occurred at the South Pole. A group of 13 men came here on bicycles.  It was a team of the 7 Summits Club: 11 members plus guides Alexander Abramov and Artem Rostovtsev. For the first time the group on ... read more

On January 12, an unusual event occurred at the South Pole. A group of 13 men came here on bicycles.  It was a team of the 7 Summits Club: 11 members plus guides Alexander Abramov and Artem Rostovtsev. For the first time the group on two-wheeled bicycles reached the South Pole. And here's a little more than six months later, Alexander Abramov received medals for the world record reaching the South Pole by bicycle.













Congratulations! Artem Rostovtsev and Alexander Popov climbed mount Denali and completed the program "Seven  summits". Hurray!

We were happy to receive a message from Alaska that the team of our friends, on June 17, successfully reached the top of Denali, the highest point of North America! By this ascent Artem Rostovtsev and Alexander Popov completed the program ... read more

We were happy to receive a message from Alaska that the team of our friends, on June 17, successfully reached the top of Denali, the highest point of North America! By this ascent Artem Rostovtsev and Alexander Popov completed the program of ascent to all the highest points of all continents - the program "Seven summits"!  Congratulations!

 Artem Rostovtsev is the pride of the 7 Summits Club, one of our leading guides, multi-sportsman and ultramarathon runner, a great friend.



Alexander Popov, representative of Nizhny Novgorod, he is 55 years old. He climbed all peaks with the Summits Club.


From photos of our Malaysian friend RJ Nagarajan:














New forms of the 7 Summits Club

New forms of the 7 Summits Club...                         read more

New forms of the 7 Summits Club...













"The High-Altitude Gene - 2"!  - this autumn in the expedition of the 7 Summits Club on Manaslu

Manaslu.  RD Studio will make the continuation of the film " The High-Altitude Gene»...  The 7 Summits and RD Studio continue their fruitful cooperation. According to the results of expeditions on Everest in 2015 and 2016 RD Studio ... read more

 RD Studio will make the continuation of the film " The High-Altitude Gene»...

 The 7 Summits and RD Studio continue their fruitful cooperation. According to the results of expeditions on Everest in 2015 and 2016 RD Studio released the film "The High-Altitude Gene Or How To Get To Everest", which was shown on the main channel of Russian television.



 Our cooperation continues. This fall in the Himalayas we will be shooting the film "The High-Altitude Gene - 2", about oxygen free climbing expedition on Manaslu (8156 m).  The head of the expedition Alexander Abramov. Only Everest climbers will be able to take part in the expedition and filming.  The composition of the climbing group: 7 men and 3 women.


At the same time there will be a group of the 7 Summits Club under the leadership of Sergey Larin.  It will be held according to the standard program of the 7 Summits Club



And about the far-reaching plans: in 2 years we plan to shoot " The High-Altitude Gene -3" at this time on the "Mountain of mountains", the legendary K-2.

The film to adulthood  of Dmitry Tertychny, the hero of  project "Seven summits" on the channel of the 7 Summits Club

Everest. Dmitry Tertychny in May 2018 climbed the highest peak of the world, Everest, at the age of just over 17 years and 1 month.  He became the youngest European who managed to do it. And the youngest European who managed to complete the ... read more

Dmitry Tertychny in May 2018 climbed the highest peak of the world, Everest, at the age of just over 17 years and 1 month.  He became the youngest European who managed to do it. And the youngest European who managed to complete the program of climbing all the seven highest peaks of the continents. Dmitry owes all his successes, first of all, to his father, Alexander Tertychny, who not only paid for the trips, but was with him on all these mountains. By the 18th anniversary of the hero was prepared this movie. The  7 Summits Club, which was the organizer of the majority of Dmitry's ascents, presents it to you!


11 April Dmitry performed in the 7 Summits Club a lecture and showed the film…





See the lecture recording on Facebook page


New project of the 7 Summits Club. "7 Summits s in 7 months with Alexander Abramov". Join the record of Russia!

Everest. The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov announced plans to establish a new record of speed of climbing all of the "Seven summits".  That is, he intends to climb all the highest peaks of the continents in a total of about ... read more

The President of the 7 Summits Club Alexander Abramov announced plans to establish a new record of speed of climbing all of the "Seven summits".  That is, he intends to climb all the highest peaks of the continents in a total of about six months.  But since the ascent will be carried out from January to July, it can be called "Seven Summits in seven months."

 The project will start on January 1, 2019.  At the same time, Alexander Abramov acts as a guide in all programs. And he gathers groups of climbers.  You have a great chance to join them and climb in good company and under the guidance of the legendary leader, the Prisident of the 7 Summits Club. The project starts in January 2019 and is to be completed in July 2019 by climbing all 7 summits. See the program below…

 The speed record from this year belongs to the Australian Steve Plain -117 days, 6 hours and 50 minutes (from the top to the top).  The previous world achievement of Pole Janusz Kochanski remained the record of Europe - 129 days. The record of Russia now belongs to Masha Gordon - 201 days (October 2015 – June 2016).  It's all climbers who specifically set out to show a record time. Some (short) time the record holder was the famous guide from the USA Vernon Tejas. He completed  the "Seven Summits" in 134 days. However, Vern is on some of the ascents series was not a guide went on vacation.

 So Alexander Abramov claims two records: national - for Russians and  probably World for guides at work.



List of programs

 Vinson Massif, Antarctica

1-9 January

 Aconcagua, South America

17-25 January

 Kilimanjaro, Africa

16 - Feb 24

 Carstensz, Australia and Oceania

10 - March 16

 Everest, Asia

15 April-27 May

 Elbrus, Europe

June 10-17


June 26-July 12.



Alexander Abramov about a trip of the delegation of the 7 Summits Club in Oslo

North Pole. Alexander Abramov and Artem Rostovtsev today made an unforgettable trip to Oslo in preparation for the expedition to Antarctica. Besides the fact that we bought skis and boots for skiing in Antarctica to the South Pole, we also visited ... read more

Alexander Abramov and Artem Rostovtsev today made an unforgettable trip to Oslo in preparation for the expedition to Antarctica. Besides the fact that we bought skis and boots for skiing in Antarctica to the South Pole, we also visited several unique museums. This is the Museum of Kon-Tiki and Ra ships, in which Thor Heyerdahl's crew sailed the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This is Museum of Arctic and Antarctic discoveries, with the ship FRAM which was built by Nansen.  It was the ship that Amundsen sailed to Antarctica to conquer the South Pole. In General, shopping turned out to be very useful from a cognitive point of view.
















List of Seven Summits Climbers from  Russia

The 7 Summits Club  plans to reward climbers on the "Seven Summits", that is, the highest peaks of all continents, a special sign of honor. What will be the order of awarding, we will inform later. Now we offer you to look at the list ... read more

The 7 Summits Club  plans to reward climbers on the "Seven Summits", that is, the highest peaks of all continents, a special sign of honor. What will be the order of awarding, we will inform later. Now we offer you to look at the list of summiters from Russia plus those of whom we consider "our". Citizens of Russia in this list are 38 people. And they all, somehow, climbed in the programmes of the 7 Summits Club. With the exception of the first – Fedor Konyukhov, who also was in our group climbing Everest, but after the completion of the program "Seven Summits".  We are proud to note that, apparently (accurate statistics have not yet been restored), Russia is in second place in the world in terms of the number of climbers to the highest peaks of the continents. And this is the merit, first of all, of our 7 Summits Club!  We are proud!


1997.05.26  Fyodor Konyukhov.               Kosciuszko        

2005.11.13  Dmitry Moskalev.    Kosciuszko   2008.02.28-Carstensz

2005.12.15  Alexander Abramov.             Kosciuszko 2008. 02.28 Carstensz

2005.12.15  Victor Bobok.            Kosciuszko 2013.11.08 Carstensz

2006.01.10  Boris Sedusov.          Kosciuszko 2006.01.06

2006.02.02  Karo Ovasapyan (Arm-USA) 2008.02.28

2007.05.19  Israfil Ashurly (AZR)Kosciuszko        

2008.07.06  Igor Pochvalin.          Kosciuszko 2017.11.04  - Carstensz

2008.12.09  Sergey Larin.                            

2008.12.12  Sergey Kofanov.                     

2009.01.02  Lyudmila Korobeshko.          Kosciuszko 2010.10.16 - Carstensz

2010.07.22  Elena Gorelik.           Kosciuszko 2013.09.26

2010.12.27  Sergey Kovalev        Kosciuszko         

2011.01.07  Maxim Bogatyrev.                 

2011.05.21  Yuri Beloyvan.                         

2011.05.21  Igor Prinziuk                             

2012.05.17  Mikhail Turovsky.    Kosciuszko 2013.09.23 Carstensz

2012.11.01  Andrey Podolyan.   Kosciuszko        

2012.12.11  Maxim Shakirov.      Kosciuszko        

2012.12.11  Ivan Dusharin.          Kosciuszko        

2012.12.23  Dmitry Sokov.           Kosciuszko        

2013.09.26  Vitaly Simonovich.                 

2013.10.25  Andrey Filkov Kosciuszko   

2014.01.06  Igor Kadochin.          Kosciuszko        

2014.06.10?        Sergei Dudko.                 Kosciuszko          

2014.06.10?        Dmitry Krasnov.               Kosciuszko        

2015.04.13  Igor Stolyarov.                         

2015.05.29  Yaroslav Sabyrbaev (KAZ)                  

2015.06.15  Sergey Dmitriev                      

2016.05.09  Maria Gordon.                        

2016.05.20  Igor Demyanenko.                

2016.11.01  Irina Kharazova.                      

2017.05.22  Evgeny Kravt.                          

2017.06.20  Alexey Bautin.          Kosciuszko        

2017.11.04  Oleg Savchenko.                    

2017.12.14  Tatiana Jalovchak (Ukr).                      

2018.05.17  Alexander Tertychny.                          

2018.05.17  Dmitry Tertychnyy.               

2018.05.17  Alexey Balakin.                       

2018.05.19  Jamilya Murtazina.                

2018.11.09  Vladimir Belkovich.

2018.11.09  Kirill Semeshkin.

2019.01.06 Vladislav Lachkarev

The 7 Summits Club took part in organizing the exhibition of mountain paintings by Vasily Nesterenko

On November 24, the leaders of the 7 Summits Club 7 Peaks Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko visited the opening of the exhibition of painting Vasily Nesterenko. It was a pleasure to meet legendary veterans of the national ... read more

On November 24, the leaders of the 7 Summits Club 7 Peaks Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko visited the opening of the exhibition of painting Vasily Nesterenko. It was a pleasure to meet legendary veterans of the national mountaineering Vladimir Shataev, Boris Korshunov, Yuri Tinin, our old friends Alexander Yakovenko, Sergey Bogomolov and Vladimir Suviga.

  "Better than the mountains can only be mountains..." this famous phrase called his new exhibition people's artist of Russia Vasily Nesterenko and it immediately gives us an idea about the theme of the exhibition.








  The exhibition presents his works made over the past 10 years after expeditions to Elbrus, Sayan, Altai Mountains and Kamchatka. The exhibition will give visitors an idea of the unique regions of Russia, the love of which the artist sings in his paintings.

October 26, 2018 - The Birthday Of The 7 Summits Club! We invite all!

Meeting place: Moscow, Electrolyte PR. 7 / 2.  Ski resort Kant. Chalet Restaurant. 5 minutes from the metro Nagornaya.  On Friday, October 26th we celebrate the Birthday of the 7 Summits Club!   You will find: an ... read more

Meeting place: Moscow, Electrolyte PR. 7 / 2.  Ski resort Kant. Chalet Restaurant. 5 minutes from the metro Nagornaya.

 On Friday, October 26th we celebrate the Birthday of the 7 Summits Club!

  You will find: an exciting program, live music and awarding the winners of the contest "Miss Gornyashka 2018".



  19: 30 Opening, live music for guests.

  20: 00 Lyudmila Korobeshko with the report on September ascent on Cho-Oyu.

  20: 30 Performance of artists, live music.

  21: 00 Presentation of prizes to the winners of the photo contest " Miss Gornyashka 2018".

  21: 30 Alexander Abramov -  for all questions


















Congratulations to our guides on the successful ñompletion of the school of mountaineering instructors in Bezengi!

Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club: the school of mountaineering instructors in Bezengi camp is completed.  All cadets of the school received a certificate of graduation, and now it remains to obtain a certificate of ... read more

Andrey Berezin, guide of the 7 Summits Club: the school of mountaineering instructors in Bezengi camp is completed.  All cadets of the school received a certificate of graduation, and now it remains to obtain a certificate of mountaineering instructor to undergo training of initial  climbers. The final days passed as one in a series of tests and exams. Today our course has gone home. I want to express my gratitude to the 7 Summits Club on behalf of the guides club (Alexander Lastochkin, Boris Yegorov, Alexander Dorozhukov, Andrey Berezin), received the opportunity to take a course.




For those who want to make history themselves! Unique project. Autumn doublet: Everest + Lhotse in a single expedition…

We are pleased to announce that this fall the 7 Summits Club  will organize a unique expedition "Two in one": Everest and Lhotze for one trip. Alexander Abramov held talks with the Nepalese authorities and received "good" from them. ... read more

We are pleased to announce that this fall the 7 Summits Club  will organize a unique expedition "Two in one": Everest and Lhotze for one trip. Alexander Abramov held talks with the Nepalese authorities and received "good" from them.  Our Sherpa team is ready to hang fixed ropes through the Khumbu icefall and ensure the safety of climbers. We received good and "safety" option to overcome the icefall, that is, given permission for the transfer by helicopters people and cargo immediately to the camp 2, at the beginning of the Western Cwm.

 We invite to take part in our expedition the boldest and most daring climbers!   It's a rare chance to go down in history. After all, in the fall climbers rarely climb Everest and Lhotse, and these two peaks in one expedition in the fall has not yet been "conquered".

 Programs with prices will appear on the site in the coming days…








Mount Kenya. Photos and videos from Alexander Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko

Group  of the 7 Summits Club - Alexander Abramov, Maxim Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko climbed the most popular of the peaks of Mount Kenya, Point Lenana (4985 m). After our management was convinced of the good quality of service ... read more

Group  of the 7 Summits Club - Alexander Abramov, Maxim Abramov and Lyudmila Korobeshko climbed the most popular of the peaks of Mount Kenya, Point Lenana (4985 m). After our management was convinced of the good quality of service provided by the local staff,  they visited  one of the national parks. There they made a unique video of transporting the guilty elephant from one national Park to another…


























Valery Rozov is killed...  Tragedy occurred on Mount Ama Dablam...

  We think of Valery, remember and mourn! We had the good fortune to work and be friends with this star person. Valery Rozov was a constant participant of our expeditions, he tried to be at all our meetings, often just visited our ... read more


We think of Valery, remember and mourn! We had the good fortune to work and be friends with this star person. Valery Rozov was a constant participant of our expeditions, he tried to be at all our meetings, often just visited our Club. And we appreciated that and believed that with him nothing will happen, believed in his prudence, his method, his star...




Alexander Abramov: Valery has done so much in your life.... a huge number of ascents and expeditions. I'm trying to remember everything. And more  and more I remember. A huge number of achievements, incredible projects. It must be that a critical mass has accumulated.



Alexander Abramov: it's a reminder: the mountain is not a game. Be careful. Take care of yourself and take care of your friands and members of expeditiions. How Valera was careful! How he all verified 10 times... Please check all 11 times!



They were the first! Alex tested on employees of the 7 Summits Club a ritual presentation of medals FOR SUMMIT

Kilimanjaro. The 7 Summits Club started the development and production of medals for ascents on each of “the 7 summits”. Today there was the first presentation of the medal for climbing Kilimanjaro. And practicing the ceremony of awarding ... read more

The 7 Summits Club started the development and production of medals for ascents on each of “the 7 summits”. Today there was the first presentation of the medal for climbing Kilimanjaro. And practicing the ceremony of awarding the medals. Medals are awarded in a festive atmosphere by dressing on the neck of each participant. Medals are only given to the summit climbers. Its will be  not sold and not given. To every coin is issued a certificate signed by the guide. At presentation of the medal women made curtsey and kiss a guide. Men stand a thank-you on one knee. These rules must be explained by the guides prior to delivery. The certificate must be completed and signed by the guide.











Thank you all! The 7 Summits Club celebrated its anniversary in a circle of friends, in a great location. MANY PHOTOS

Manaslu. October 20, Friday, the 7 Summits Club celebrated its 10th anniversary in the restaurant "Korchma Taras Bulba", at our friend Yuri Beloyvan. The evening passed very quickly and we can't believe we had so much to hear and see. Thank you ... read more

October 20, Friday, the 7 Summits Club celebrated its 10th anniversary in the restaurant "Korchma Taras Bulba", at our friend Yuri Beloyvan. The evening passed very quickly and we can't believe we had so much to hear and see. Thank you friends who came to congratulate us! Thanks to those who sent greetings to other types of communication! Thanks to the staff of the restaurant!


Among other things, highlight the following presentations:


1. Opening remarks of Yuri Beloyvan (owner of Korchma Taras Bulba) with a story about his Seven summits and friendship with our Club.


2. The performance of Natalia Smirnova (our permanent participant in the most difficult and interesting, including "pioneering" expeditions) with the story of the campaign under Manaslu.


3. Video clip of our guide Vladimir Kotlyar about climbing Manaslu.



4. Congratulations from our partners and friends from around the world..



5. The performance of our guide and high-altitude doctor all Everest expeditions Sergey Larin with a story about our new project - 14 eight-thousanders. Next summer we organize an expedition to Gasherbrum-II


6. The story of Lyudmila Korobeshko with the announcement of our fall HELICOPTER expedition to the Karstensz.







And pictures: