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Pohvalin Igor'

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Region: Crimea (Russia)

City: Simferopol

Age: 67

Gender: male


Achieve in projects:

"7 Volcanoes", 6 objects
Elbrus, 21/07/1982
Kilimanjaro, 23/06/2007
Orizaba, 07/11/2011
Ojos del Salado, 16/01/2014
Damavand, 14/06/2012
Giluwe, 14/11/2019
"Seven Summits", 7+1 object
Everest, 30/05/2005
Elbrus, 21/07/1982
Kilimanjaro, 23/06/2007
Aconcagua, 12/02/2006
Vinson, 17/12/2006
Carstensz Pyramid, 04/11/2017
Kosciuszko, 03/01/2008
McKinley, 06/07/2008
Everest, 30/05/2005
Elbrus, 21/07/1982
Kilimanjaro, 23/06/2007
Orizaba, 07/11/2011
Ojos del Salado, 16/01/2014
Damavand, 14/06/2012


Additional information

1976 "Alpinist SSSR" - 1991 KMS, 1984 - 1990 - KMS ( rock climbing ) , Member of the Soviet Climbing team in USA 1989. REGIONS Climbing : Caucasus (1976,1977,1978,1979,1982,1984,1985,1996, 2014), PAMIR(1980,1983,1987,1989,1990,2012),Kodar (1986), Alpi (1988),USA (1989,2008)- Yosemite ( El Cap ,Half Dome ,Lost Arrow Spier, Glacier point, Sentinel), McKinley, Nepal(2004,2005,2009,2010).Tibet(2005,2010,2016),Argentina(2006).Antarctica (2006).Afrika (2007,2013), Australia (2008).Ecuador(2011). Turkey(2011).Mexica (2011).Iran (2012).Marocco(2013).Chilie (2014).Georgia(2014, 2015),New Guinea(2017). Papua (2019), Altay(2020).
Peak Korzenevskaya(1989),Lenin(1990),Everest(2005),Aconcagua(2006),Vinson(2006), Kilimanjaro (2007).Kosciuszko(2008), McKinley(2008).Island Peak(2009), Iliniza Norte, Cotopaxi (2011).Ararat, Orisaba (2011), Demavend(2012), Jabel Tubkal(2013), Ojos del Salado (2014). Carstenz(2017), Giluve(2019). S 1986 po 1991 - Deistvitel'nyi chlen gegraficheskogo Obshestva SSSR , s 2005 Deistvitel'nyi chlen UGO, 2013 -izbran Pochetnym chlenom UGO, 2014 -Deistvitel'nyi chlen Russkogo geograficheskogo Obshestva, chlen Prezidiuma Krymskogo filiala RGO. Medicine Doktor ( MD ), s1981 -surgion-oncologist , vischaya categoria. 1984 ,1986 ,1987 ,1988,1989- Champion i prizer Crimea po scalolazaniyu. S 1980 po 1991 expedition doktor Crimeans alp.exp.Mountain Guide (2006). Guide of the "7summits club". Doktor and Guide Everest exp. (2010).Lider Ecuador exp.(2011) Marocco exp.(2013). Orden "Za muzestvo" (2006),Orden "Dostoinstvo,Chest,Muzestvo"(2010). Colonel( 2008-2011) of the International police-rescue, chief of the medicine care dept. in Crimea Republic, Maj.General (2011) .Avtor knig "Hroniki 7 vershin", "Vol'nyi perevod s farsi".

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