Send mail » User news » Region: Italy City: Parma Age: 68 Gender: male Achieve in projects:Elbrus, 07/08/2008 Kilimanjaro, 03/02/2008 Elbrus, 07/08/2008 Kilimanjaro, 03/02/2008 Aconcagua, 16/12/2011 Kosciuszko, 27/11/2007 Elbrus, 07/08/2008 Kilimanjaro, 03/02/2008 Elbrus, 07/08/2008 Kilimanjaro, 03/02/2008 |
Additional information ROBERTO LORENZANI
Born in Colorno (PR) on the 02/22/56
Traveller, Explorer, Instructor of the Italian Survival-Outdoor Federation (F.I.S.S.S.),
Roberto has been working in the adventure and expedition /exploration sector for
over 15 years, full time.
Roberto is a professional Personal Trainer, and actively performs himself several
sports, including Free Climbing, Mountaineering, Ski, Kayak, Wild Water Rafting,
Canyoning, Scuba diving (PADI Rescue Diver), Bowman (Instructor), Body Building
(Instructor and Trainer), 4x4 off-road (Instructor), former Rugby player (14
championships). Roberto has started several outdoor centres in Italy and has
provided high value-added advisor for Travels and Expeditions, Adventure
Centres, Outdoor and Leisure locations.
2007 start the 7 summits project. 27 november at 11,27 arrive onthe top Kusciuscko.
2008 3 febbraio at 07,50, arrive on the top the Kilimanjaro.
7 August at 10,30 arrive on the top Elbrus.
2011 16 Dicember at 14,40 arrive on the top Aconcagua.
2004 Built the world’s longest Tibetan bridge with a span of 374m. The bridge
connects both sides of the river Pò in Torino (Italy), which is awarded the Guinness
Book record.
Full Technical Responsibility for "Land Rover G4 challenge" International Selections
in Easton Castle UK
Full Technical Responsibility for "Land Rover G4 challenge" in South Africa and
Set-up and activated an Outdoor Centre "Adventure Academy" in Morfasso (PC,
Technical Responsibility for "1°Raid Adventure" in Naples (Italy)
Led a Scientific Expedition which discovered the Inca King Lagoon, in Peru. Set-up
and established "Adventurland", an adventure/outdoor camp in Gualtieri (RE,
Responsible for the Camel Trophy National Selections in Italy. Co-coordinator of
the Tonga Samoa 2000" Camel Trophy Event, the only Italian within the
International Staff. Performed a 30 hours non stop walk (from Modena to Cesena,
in Italy), for the pro bono TV Event "30 ore per la vita" aimed at raising funds for
humanitarian purposes
Co-operated with the TV show "Quelli che il calcio". Set-up and activated an
Adventure Center in Schilpario (BG, Italy). Designed all special tasks for the "Le
Amazzoni" Event
Is the only Italian within the Camel Trophy International Staff, for the International
Training Selections in Sweden; co-coordinator for the "Tierra del Fuego 98" Final
Participated in the Camel Trophy International Staff for the International Training
Selections in Spain, and for the Final Event "Mongolia 97"
Full Technical Responsibility for the "Panthera Cup" by Slazenger in Antalya (Turkey).
Is the only Italian Participating in the Camel Trophy International Staff for the
International Training Selections in Spain, and for the Final Event, "Kalimantan 96".
Produced a TV reportage as outcome of his expedition in South Africa from Kruger
National Park to Cape Hope. Is granted the responsibility for the Raid Gauloises, for
Supervisor of the Physical Aptitude Tasks at the Camel Trophy International
Selections in Turkey. Marshal at the Camel Trophy Final Event "Mundo Maya 95".
First Italian Competitor in the Raid Gauloises in Patagonia, notoriously the world
most challenging competition without mechanical/motor aids
Is recruited and admitted as Supervisor in the Camel Trophy International Staff at
the International Training Selections in Turkey. Responsible for the Leadership
Special Tasks, in the National Selections in France and Italy. Responsible for the
Special Tasks at the Land Rover Defender Cup, in Tunisia
Responsible for the Physical Aptitude Tasks at both the National (Italy) and
International Selections for the Camel Trophy. Built the longest rope bridge
(monkey bridge) in the World, which is awarded the Guinness Book record.
Responsible for the Special Tasks at the Land Rover Defender Cup. Undergone a
one-month voluntary "shipwrecked" experience, in a remote/desert South Pacific
Is admitted to the Camel Trophy Organisation as Responsible for the Physical
Aptitude Tasks at the National Selections in Italy. Perform a 3 month Expedition in
South Pacific islands. Set up and established the Adventure & Natural Center in
Cinigiano (GR, Italy).
Responsible for the Camel Trophy "Speciale Italia" in Portugal. Organised and
participated in the first italian Expedition to the Hudson Bay, Canada, from
Quebec to Manitoba in search for the last Cree American Indians settlements (~
1000 Km by sled-dogs)
Is granted the position of "Selection Officer" for Operation Raleigh. Walked all
through the Pukaskawa Park in Ontario (Canada).
Published a monography as outcome of his 89 Siberia Expedition "Siberia: ritorno
dal gelo"
Is granted "ad honoris" membership by the Italian Geographic Society.
Participated in the 1st World Expedition to the "Pole of Cold" (-72° Celsius), in
Ojmiakon Siberia, covering 1300 Km in a 10 sled convoy (4 Italians and 4 Russians)
with 50 reindeer and just local/natural food and "apparel". Founded the Italian
Adventure Academy, in Arsiè (BL, Italy).
Walked all through the Biebza marsh, in Poland
Walked the desert tracks from Douz to Ksar-Ghilane, with Berber nomads
Is awarded the "Instructor" role at the Jacek Palkiewicz Survival Academy, in
Casteltesino (TN, Italy), which will then manage directly for some years. Organised
the 1st outdoor and survival course for Corporate Managers
Performed his 1st "solo" expedition in Iraq, covering a 200km distance from Tigris to